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Kendall's daily advice: don't leave milk sitting in your room for a week. It gets bad.

Okay, there's an important cliffhanger at the end.

So, I love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Avi and Troye sat in Joey and Troyes room while Avi cleaned Troyes back.

Mitch and Scott were in their bedroom. Mitch sat in Scott's lap, Scott's arms around him and his head snuggled into Mitch's shoulder.

"What's wrong"? Mitch asked.

Scott shook his head. "I just feel bad for Troye. He never deserved that".

Mitch nodded and set his head on top of Scott's. "I agree but.... It was nothing you could've stopped".

"Yeah well.... What about Alex and.. Manny".

"They were out with Tyler, Kevin, and Kirstie getting groceries".

Scott scoffed. "And I fucking trusted Alex".

Mitch picked his head up off of Scott's, making Scott's head pop up as well. "Honey, don't say that. Alex went out to get groceries and Manny, Kevin, Kirstie and Tyler went with him. It's not Alex's fault. I'm sure if he knew what was going to happen, he would've stayed".

Scott shook his head and closed his eyes. "Did I make the right decision then"?

Mitch furrowed his eyebrows. "What decision"?

"Kicking Joey out of the pack".

Mitch 'hm'ed and nodded. "Yes, yes you did. You made the right decision".

Scott sighed. "Good".

They heard a knock on the door, Mitch got off of Scott's lap to answer it.

Mitch perked up. "Oh, hi Kevin".

Kevin smiled brightly. "Hi, I have some very important news to pass on to your Alpha".

"Oh okay. Come in". Mitch said while opening the door wide for Kevin to walk in.

Kevin walked in and stood in front of Scott with the widest smile, plastered on his face.

"Sir, I have some very important news". Kevin said.

Scott nodded and stood, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay, tell me".

"There's a counsel".

Scott's eyes widened. "A-a what"?

"A counsel. There's a secret counsel, full of others like us. They contacted us and they want us to join".

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