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Kendall's daily advice: I don't have anything, oops.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


Mitch was in the Omega Training room, handing out tests.

Scott was in his office, on a phone call with another Alpha to discuss bringing more ABO in.

"Of course, thank you for your time. Bye". Scott said, hanging up the phone after he said 'bye'.

Tori knocked on the door.

"Come in". Scott called.

Tori peeked her head in and then opened the door to let herself in.

She walked to Scott's desk and handed him some papers. "These are for your Omega. Since he had the highest score an Omega has ever had, he needs to fill out a few papers. Just to make sure we have his file right".

Scott nodded and smiled. "I'll make that happen".

Tori started to walk out before turning around. "Oh, and, we need you to take the Alpha test, so we can find your new score as well".

Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "Is this mandatory".

She shook her head. "No, Sir. You're the lead, therefore, if you decide to, you don't have to take the Alpha test. It's completely your decision".

"That's not what I meant. I just mean- never mind, I'll take the test".

Tori smiled and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Mitch gave out the tests, letting everyone read over them.

He saw a kid raise his hand and he called on him. "Yes"?

"Oh, I just wanted to say that, I heard about your test scores and wanted to say congratulations".

Mitch smiled. "That's nice of you. Thank you".

"You're welcome".

Mitch looked down at a piece of paper before looking back up. "So, a lot of you didn't do too well on the section about punishment and I think it'd be good to go over that. Yeah"?

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now