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Slight fluff in today's chappy.

Should I do full out fluff tm?

Sorry y'all but I don't think I'm gonna do Kirvin smut right now.

'Hears the disappointed sighs'

BUT I'll do it in the future.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott set Mitch down on their bed as soon as they got inside their bedroom.

Mitch scooted to the headboard and sat up against it and waited for Scott to do the same, Mitch cuddling up against him.

Scott ran his free hand, that wasn't around Mitch, up and down Mitch's thigh.

Scott kissed the top of Mitch's head. "Can you tell me what happened baby".

Mitch nodded. "Yes, Sir. After Alpha Manny came down the hallway, I realized that I left my blazer in the car. So I picked up the keys and went out there to get it".

"Why didn't you tell me that you left it in there baby boy? I would've gone out there and gotten it for you".

Mitch nodded. "I know. But you were in a conversation with Alpha Manny and I didn't want to interrupt".

"I understand that but maybe next time it would've been better if you just waited for me to finish my conversation and ask me then..... Tell me what happened next baby".

Mitch looked down. "I was getting ready to unlock the car when I smelled an Alpha behind me. I tried to run away but his eyes turned red and his claws came out. He clawed at my arm..... But I ended up getting away. I could hear the car horns going off in the distance". Mitch's head bowed in shame. "I'm so sorry, Alpha. You must think I'm awful".

Scott shook his head. "No baby, you're so great and you did the right thing running away". Scott said, hoping his words helped.

Mitch nodded. "Okay. Thank you".

"Of course baby.... Let me go get Avi so he can look at your wrist. Yeah"?

Mitch nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that sounds good".

Scott nodded and slid off the bed. He headed for the door but stopped when he heard a sudden "Alpha". From his Omegas lips.

Scott turned around. "Yes Angel"?

Mitch blushed at the cute nickname. "I love you so much, thank you for all you've done for me".

Scott smiled and shuffled back over to the bed, leaning over to plant a kiss on Mitch's lips. "I love you too baby, and id do anything for you Angel. Just ask and I'll come running".

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now