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Kendall's daily advice: I don't have one today. Whoops

Okay, before we start, I need some people to chill the F down. Most of you are extremely mad at Scott and it's causing a lot of arguments and I had to delete some comments because it was, honestly, too much. So, Whilst I see where y'all are coming from and I know that Mitch carried the child for nine months and that he's super close with her, none of y'all are taking time to consider Scott's situation. He's not ready and it's undoubtedly wrong to force someone to be ready for something when they're not. So, before you read this, take sometime and consider what Scott's going through as well. And I would appreciate it if yall would stop arguing on here. That's sounds bitchy but y'all weren't just having disagreements on opinion, which is fine, you were telling each other that their opinion was wrong and you were cussing each other out and all. And please don't get offended because I'm not talking to all of you, I'm talking to the people who started these arguments. I still love all of y'all's comments but not when people take it this far.

Alright, sorry for the rant.

Love y'all always, and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Mike shook his head. "No, son, that's not true. He loves you so much".

Scott sucked in a breath and tried hard to hold back tears. "Then why can't he wait"?

"Because.... He's scared. He just lost his baby and.... Now you're telling him you don't want kids".

"I-I understand that but.... He should stay by my side no matter what, not leave as soon as the door opens".

Mike shook his head and chuckled. "You kids these days..... That doesn't mean he doesn't want you nor love you. That means he's scared and that he needs you. If he didn't want you..... He would've been the one to end it. Was he the one to end it"?

Scott shook his head. "No". He said in a low whisper.

Mike nodded. "Exactly, so don't do this. I know he loves you".

Scott's bottom lip quivered and the bags in his hand dropped, as well as the keys, as he fell to the floor and let out a loud sob.

Mitch stood in the bedroom, exactly where Scott left him. He could hear their conversation, the walls weren't exactly thick.

He jumped when he heard a loud thud, then a sob. A sob that couldn't come from anyone but his Alpha.

He debated running out there and holding him, telling him he loved him and that he'd do anything for him and that he'd wait as long as he needs to because there's absolutely no one he'd rather be with.

But his feet stayed still, almost as if they were glued to the floor. He couldn't move, he felt like he couldn't talk and the only emotion he was pouring out was the tears that were making their way down his cheeks, one after another.

He heard walking down the hallway and knew exactly who it was, he could smell him.

He loved that smell. The musky but sweat scent of his Alpha.

Mitch finally gained back control of his body and moved his head to look at the door but no one came in.

He knew Scott was just standing right outside the door but he didn't come in.

Mitch sighed and walked right up to the door, putting his hand on the door nob but.... He couldn't twist it, he couldn't pull himself to.

He leaned his head against the door, knowing that his Alpha was probably doing the same thing.

"Mitchie"? He heard. Scott's voice was soft and low. Full with..... Guilt.

"I'm so sorry, Angel".

Mitch let more tears run down his face and he let out a small sob.

He loved that nickname, Angel, it made him feel beautiful and so loved.

"Baby". Mitch whispered back.

Mitch could practically see the smile forming on Scott's face.

"Can I come in, Angel"?

Mitch nodded against the door, though Scott couldn't see him. Once he realized this, he chuckled to himself.

He tore his head away from the wooden door and put his hand back on the knob and opened it.


Again, I apologize for the rant. I love to hear y'all's opinions but this was simply getting out of control.

If you agree comment here>>>>

Please no more hard core arguments. It's okay to have difference in opinion but not when you're cussing each other out.

I love all of y'all and hope you stay safe.

                    ~The Queen Of Hell👑

(Yes, I call myself the queen of hell... And I love it)

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