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Okay, y'all are way too nice, lol. When I asked for a specific time, all of y'all said 'whatever fits you best', which was no help at all.

Lol, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Anyway, our new scheduled time is....... 2:00 am, central time.

I hope that's convenient for everyone!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!!


Scott gathered everyone in the living room.

All Alphas with their Omegas, Kirstie and Kevin were holding hands, and Avi stood next to Mitch as Scott introduced everyone.

"So you remember Mitch and Kirstie". Scott said motioning to Kirstie and then to Mitch.

Alex smiled. "Of course I do".

"Allie". Kirstie squealed as she ran to Alex, jumping him in a hug. "I've missed you so much".

Alex giggled. "I've missed you too Kirst".

Kirstie smiled and backed away to stand by Kevin again, Alex looked to Mitch, questioningly, Mitch smiled and waved his hand. "Hi Al".

"Hey little one".

Mitch looked at Scott and waited for Scott to sigh and nod his head, before Mitch, all but, jumped on Alex, wrapping his legs around his waist in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you for coming back". Mitch whispered into his ear.

"Of course I would".

Mitch jumped off of Alex when Scott cleared his throat. Mitch giggled and pecked Scott on the lips before standing next to Avi.

Scott smiled at Alex and motioned towards Manny and Tyler. "This is Manny, he's an Alpha, and this is Tyler, Manny's Omega".

Manny stepped out from behind Tyler and to the side to shake Alex's hand.

Tyler simply waved. "Hi, Sir".

Alex smile at the kindness and waited for Scott to continue introducing him.

Scott then motioned to Joey and Troye. "This is Joey, he's an Alpha as well, and this is Troye, Joeys Omega".

Joey didn't shake Alex's hand, he just gave a curt nod and said a quick 'hello', let's just say he didn't like the idea of bringing in someone new.

Troye was much more polite. He waved and smiled. "Hi, Alpha. Welcome to our pack".

Alex smiled. "Hi, and thank you".

Scott motioned to Avi next. "This is Avi, he's a beta and our personal doctor. He helped Mitch with the baby. Treat him well".

Alex gasped. "Where's the baby"!

Mitch smiled wide. "Oh, he's with my parents, we just want to make sure everything's safe before we take her in completely".

Alex nodded, understandingly. "Oh okay".

Scott then motioned towards Kevin. "And this is Kevin, he's also a beta, he and Kirstie are together, and he's defiantly the smartest Beta you'll ever meet".

Kevin chuckled. "Well thank you".

Alex reached his hand out to shake, Kevin doing so gladly. "It's nice to meet you". Alex said.

"The same to you". Kevin replied.

Alex smiled at everyone and let his hand fall back to his side. "Thank you so much for letting me come back in to your pack".

Scott smiled. "Your always welcome".


Things may be good now but did you really think I was gonna let Alex come back without a little drama, or maybe...... Someone else leaving?

                                  Xoxo -Kendall

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