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Kendall's daily advice: don't trip and fall while carrying food.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


After Mitch got out of the shower, Scott and Kingsley were already home and everyone was helping Kingsley get moved in.

Mitch walked out of their bedroom and got dressed, putting on Scott's clothes.

When Mitch walked downstairs, Kingsley greeted him with a large smile. "Hi"! He said.

Mitch smiled. "Hey, how are you"? He asked.

"Oh, I'm well. Thank you again for helping me. It really means a lot".

"Of course, I would always help an Omega in need".

Scott called Mitch's name from Kingsley's bedroom, Mitch walked down the hallway and saw Scott trying to put together a bed.

Mitch giggled and Scott looked back at him with a smile. "Hi, Angel". He said.

Mitch giggled again. "Hi, baby. Do you need help"?

Scott stood and shook his head. "I don't think so". Then he turned around to look at Mitch and squinted his eyes. "Are you hinting that I need help".

Mitch giggled again. "Of course not, silly".

Scott smiled and walked up to Mitch, kissing his forehead.

Mitch smiled. "I love you, Scottie".

"I love you too, Mitchie".

Kevin walked into the room then, waiting for the cute moment between the two to be over before he stepped in.

Scott was looking into Mitch's eyes, Mitch doing the same when Scott noticed Kevin move in the background.

Scott ripped his eyes away from Mitch to smile at Kevin. "Do you need something, Beta"? Scott questioned.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt. I just came in here to tell you that lunch is ready but we can wait till after Kingsley gets moved in or we can just eat now, whatever you'd like, Sir".

Mitch smiled at how polite Kevin was, he wish he could be like that.

"Let's have it now, if that's okay. I'm starving". Scott replied.

Kevin smiled. "Of course, Sir".

Avi came running into the room then, a concerned look on his face. "Scott"! He said, loudly.

Scott's eyebrows furrowed. "Yes"?

"Joey's here".

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now