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Hm should I do Kirvin smut next chapter?

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"O my-" Kevin started. "She has heats"?

Avi nodded and rushed into Kirstie's bedroom. "Yeah, ever since she was little". Avi said, searching around Kirstie's room for any sign of her, Kevin doing the same.

Kevin heard a whimper and looked towards the bathroom door. He knocked. "Kirstie"?

"K-Kevin? Please help me".

"I will baby girl. Just open the door honey".

He heard the door unlock and the door creaked open before she pulled the door open all the way. She ran into Kevin's arm. "Please help me". She whimpered.

Kevin hugged her back. "Of course baby girl, sit on the bed and wait for me to come back".

She nodded and ran to the bed, sitting down and waiting for Kevin.

Kevin smiled at his beautiful Beta and turned to walk out of the door with Avi right behind.

Once the door was closed, Kevin lowered his voice to a whisper. "How in the, excuse my language, hell does she have Heats"?

Avi sighed. "It's not my place to tell you, only Me, Mitch, and Scott know".

"Not your place to tell me? I have to help her through this and I need to know".

Avi let the words settle in before nodding. "When she was born, her parents really wanted an Omega, they got a Beta. So they took her to a doctor and they gave her shots used for Omegas, hoping it would get into her system and, this sounds weird, turn her into an Omega".

Kevin squinted his eyes. "Is that even legal".

Avi shook his head. "No. I guess they just really wanted and Omega, didn't they"?

Kevin sighed. "That so sad".

Avi nodded. "It is. Now get in there and help her".

Kevin gave him a curt nod and opened the door to slip into the bedroom.

Scott came home a few minutes later, as soon as the door opened, everyone stood up and waited expectantly to hear what happened. Though Scott didn't know the full story himself. He held Mitch in his arms, Mitch's legs wrapped around his waist and his head in the crook of Scott's neck.

Manny shut the door behind them, once he turned around, he eyes went red. "Heat"? He questioned.

Avi was quick to answer. "Kirstie".

"Isn't she a Beta"?

Scott nodded. "Yeah, it's complicated".

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now