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Kendall's daily advice: don't spill coke all over your carpet.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Scott held Mitch's hand as Avi worked on him, the boy still passed out.

Mitch had a broken wrist and a few cuts on his cute little forehead.

After Avi wrapped Mitch's wrist, he cleaned the cuts on his forehead.

Mitch's eyes started to flutter open and he winced at the burn on his face.

Scott squeezed his hand to reassure him that he was okay and Mitch relaxed a bit.

Mitch just looked at Scott the whole time while Scott ran his fingers through Mitch's hair, making the boy almost fall asleep.

"Don't fall asleep, sweetie. Keep those beautiful eyes open for me". Scott said, voice barely above a whisper.

Mitch nodded and kept his eyes open until Avi was done.

Avi stood up and put everything away. "Okay, he should get some rest". Avi said.

Scott nodded and stood up to talk to Kevin.

"I would advise you to lock the door to the staircase and shut down the elevator". Kevin said. "I can keep guard in here and make sure y'all are protected".

Scott smiled. "That's right. Your also a guard. I forgot".

Kevin nodded. "I'm not just my smarts, Sir".

"I know that. Thank you very much, that would help". Scott said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Sir. Anything for the pack".

Scott smiled, he hasn't talked to Kevin in a while and forgot how polite he was.

Scott walked away to lock the door, then contacted Tori, hoping she was still down at the desk. Luckily, she was, and Scott asked if she was okay and then asked her to shut down the elevator. Tori did so without question.

Kevin stood by the door for a least thirty minutes before he got paged by the security room.

"Sir," Kevin started, "Is it okay if I go to the security room, they need me to help them figure out who the shooter was".

Scott nodded. "Of course, thank you for your help".

Kevin smiled. "Anytime, Sir". Then left the room.

Scott locked the door behind Kevin and then walked back over to cuddle up with Mitch on the couch.

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