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Kendall's daily advice: don't paint your nails last minute.

Love y'all and hope you annoy this chappy!!!


"Are you sure this isn't some trap"? Scott asked.

"Positive, Sir".

Scott nodded and sat back down on to the bed, trying to take all of this in and make a decision.

"So..... They want us to be there when"?

Mitch squealed. "So were going"?

Scott smiled at the cute squeal that just came out of Mitch's mouth, and nodded. "Yes sweetheart...... We'll go".

Mitch jumped up and down, clapping. "Yay, finally somewhere I can be myself".

Scott chuckled. "I know, Angel. Just let me get some more information. Do you mind giving me and Kevin some privacy".

Mitch nodded. "Of course Alpha". He said before walking out and closing the door behind him.

Mitch ran downstairs and into Troyes room, to tell the good news.

He froze when he saw Troye bawling his eyes out and Tyler trying to comfort him.

Mitch frowned at the sad boy and sat next to him on the bed, rubbing a hand up and down Troyes back.

"It'll be okay Troye, you'll get through this".

Troye let out another sob. "I-I just don't k-know what hap-pened to the happy A-Alpha I was wi-with".

"Aw, honey. It's gonna be okay".

Troye hiccuped a little and wiped his eyes before trying to calm himself down a little.

"I don't want to b-be like this. T-tell me some-something happy".

Mitch smiled wide. "Well, Someone contacted us and it's just so happens to be, wait for it....... A secret council". Mitch said the last part in a squealing voice.

Troyes eyes widened, as well as Tyler's.

"You mean a council, full of Alphas and Betas and Omegas"? Tyler asked.

Mitch nodded frantically. "That's right".

"O. My. God". Troye said slowly.

"I know, I'm so excited". Mitch said with enthusiasm.

Scott peaked his head into the door then and smiled. "I should've known you'd come tell them".

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now