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Kendall's daily advice: don't hold Carmel popcorn for too long, the Carmel might melt in ur hands.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"Okay, okay. Just...... Hold on". Mitch said to Scott as Scott tried desperately to get Mitch to stop looking at his test scores for one second.

"Miiiiiitch, we have to go back to the counsel". Scott whined.

Mitch rolled his eyes and set the piece of paper down. "There, happy now"?

Scott smiled. "Very, now let's go". 

Mitch got up and grabbed his jacket, throwing it on.

Mitch grabbed his phone and followed Scott out of the door and to the car.

Once both boys were buckled into the car, Scott started the drive there.

"So, why do we have to go and no one else does"? Mitch asked.

"Because..... I'm the head, or lead, whatever you want to call it. And your the lead Omega. We barely get any days off".

Mitch groaned. "I hate that".

Scott shook his head at Mitch but agreed. "Me too, Angel".

Mitch leaned his head on the seat and looked at Scott. "Tell me I'm pretty". He said.

Scott looked at Mitch and frowned. "Why? Is something wrong".

Mitch pouted. "No, just tell me".

Scott smiled a little and looked at Mitch. "You're absolutely beautiful". Scott said before looking back at the road.

Mitch smiled. "Thank you".

Scott nodded. "Of course. But..... Are you sure nothing's wrong"?

Mitch nodded his head. "Promise".

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