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Kendall's daily advice: NEVER heat ramen noodles in a microwave. Always on a stove.


Aren't all of you just so excited!!!!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott packed everything into the car and closed the trunk. He opened the door for Mitch and closed it shut, running around to the other side of the car and getting in.

They waved at Mitch's parents as they drive off.

Scott got on the highway and made their way home.

"So, you can turn back now. We can drive back and go get our baby girl. Are you sure you want to do this"? Scott asked.

Mitch considered taking Scott up on it. But.... Truth is, they were never ready for a baby. They should've given her up for adoption as soon as she was born. But they fought so hard for her and Mitch defiantly wanted to keep her.

That's why it came as such a shock to Scott when Mitch said that it was a good idea to leave her in foster care. But maybe, just maybe, she'll find good parents who will except her and care for her and provide for her.

So Mitch nodded. "Yeah". He whispered. "It'll be good for us, good for her too".

Scott nodded and they sat in silence. Both of them deep in thought.

Scott thinking about how strong Mitch has to be to be able to leave someone so dear to his heart behind him.

Mitch thinking about his baby. About the nice family she'll have and maybe getting to meet her someday when she's older.

Scott snapped out of his thoughts when he was about to drive past where they were suppose to turn.

Mitch chuckled at him as Scott drove up the ramp.

Scott smiled and looked at Mitch for a second before he turned his eyes back to the road. "I love you, Angel. Like... A lot".

Mitch looked at him and smiled, reaching over and grabbing Scott's hand in his own.

A few hours later, they pulled into their driveway.

Scott parked the car and got out. He ran to Mitch's side and opened the door for him.

Mitch smiled at hoped out.

Scott started walking, Mitch right behind him.

Scott opened the door and let Mitch inside before closing the door behind them.

They heard a loud crack and a scream follow right after.

Scott's eyes widened and he turned to Mitch. "Go upstairs and wait in our room".

Mitch nodded and ran upstairs, slamming the door to their room behind him.

Scott ran down the hallway and threw the first door open.

Joey and Troyes door.

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