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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!!! 


Mitch laid in a ball on the bed, crying quietly to himself.

"Stupid". He whispered to himself. "Why'd you have to do that".

He shook his head at himself and clutched on to Scott's sweater he was wearing.

Mitch let out a light sob. "I'm so sorry, Scott". He whispered again as he starting to sob again.

Mitch pov:

I can't believe I did this, I can't believe I screwed up my entire relationship. I thought he'd suddenly change his mind if I talked to him about it but that was defiantly not the case.

He means so much to me and I couldn't just wait for him to be ready. I kept pushing him, wanting him to be ready but instead I pushed him farther away from me.

And it's three in the morning and I can't sleep but that's my fault. I shouldn't have had that argument with him. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I can't believe what I did.

I'm an awful person, he's so kind and sweet and he'd do anything for me but it wasn't enough for me so.... I yelled at him about it. Why do I have to fuck everything up. Why?

I tried to sleep again but sobs kept escaping my body.

What if I just go out there and apologize uncontrollably. I can't take being in this bed alone. I can't go to sleep without him holding me. And I certainly can't go to sleep with him angry at me. But, again, that's my own fault.

I moved the covers off of me and walked to the door, opening it and walked down the hallway slowly.

Third person pov:

Mitch walked down the hallway slowly, stopping once he got to the opening in the living room.

He tried to contain his sobs but they just kept coming out.

Scott stirred a little, making Mitch back up three steps.

Mitch tried to catch his breath and calm himself down before reaching a hand out and shaking Scott's body.

Scott stirred again but didn't wake up.

Mitch shook Scott's body a little more, making Scott's eyes flutter open and he looked at Mitch.

"Mitch". Scott said in a groggy, low voice. "Go back to bed".

Mitch shook his head as he tried his bed to hold in another sob but failed as he fell to his knees in front of Scott, sobbing. "I'm sorry, I-I'm so s-sorry. I'm s-sorry, I-I-I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't... A-and... I'm so s-sorry". Mitch said.

"Oh, Angel". Scott said as he removed the blanket from himself.

Mitch shook his head and put his hands behind his head, resting his forehead on the ground as he sobbed more and more.

Scott pouted and picked Mitch up by his under arms, Mitch, subconsciously, wrapping his legs around Scott's waist.

Scott wrapped his arms around the small boys frame while Mitch dug his face into Scott's neck, letting out more sobs.

Scott rocked back and forth for awhile while he walked around the house.

Mitch eventually calmed down, now only sniffling a little.

Scott kissed Mitch's shoulder. "Are you okay, Angel"? He asked Mitch in a whisper.

Mitch nodded his head. "Y-yes".

Scott's heart broke at the little stutter but he walked down the hallway and back to their shared bedroom.

Scott laid Mitch down on the bed and walked out of room.

Mitch pouted and pushed his upper body off of the bed as he waited to see Scott come back.

Scott came back a few moments later with his pillows and blanket.

Scott set his pillows on the bed and the blanket on the ground. He lifted the covers so he and Mitch could crawl in.

After getting comfortable, Scott wrapped Mitch in his arms, Mitch nuzzling his face into Scott's chest and falling asleep easily.

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