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Kendall's daily advice: proof read your papers. Learn now.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott had had enough of the long day and took he and Mitch home.

He made sure Mitch was comfortable in their bed and waited till he dozed off before he slipped from his arms and hopped in a shower.

He let the hot water run down his back and chest as he thought about the crazy ass day.

He thought about how he could've helped Mitch.

He thought about how stupid he was to let the shooter even near him when he was suspicious.

He thought about how he let everyone down and how he should've done better.

He washed his hair and body then got out. He wrapped a towel around his waist and blow dried his hair, styling it a little.

He put up the dryer and then stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a loud whimper come from his Angel.

He never opened a door so damn fast.

Mitch's eye went straight to Scott. He let out a little sob and jumped from the bed, running over and wrapping his arms around his torso.

Scott frowned and hugged him back. "Angel"? He questioned. "What's wrong"?

"N-night m-mare". He choked out.

Scott pulled him closer and sighed. "Oh, honey"

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