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Kendall's daily advice: when you hang too much clothes in your closet, the bar falls.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


"Gus Kenworthy"? Scott asked.

Kingsley nodded. "Yes, Sir".

Scott opened a drawer and took out another folder. He opened it and his eyebrows furrowed. "He works for us".

"Yes, Sir. He does. He's one of the Alphas in Solider Training".

Scott nodded and put the file away. "Well, I can either have him thrown in jail, or, you can join my pack and be taken away from him. Your choice".

"Do I have time to think about it"? Kingsley asked.

"Well, I want to do something about it as soon as possible. Can you give me an answer tomorrow morning"?

Kingsley nodded. "Yes, Sir. I can".

Scott smiled. "Good". He said while standing up.

Kingsley stood as well and Scott shook his hand. "Thank you so much". Kingsley said.

Scott nodded. "Of course".

Mitch escorted Kingsley out of the building and left Scott to made an important phone call, regarding the situation.

After the phone call, Scott called Jake into his office to have a discussion with him.

Jake sat down in a chair across from Scott. "Is there something wrong".

"I just had a conversation with Kingsley Bishop, he says his Alpha is abusing him. I gave him two options, the first one being that his Alpha gets thrown in jail and the second one being that he come join my pack and leave his Alpha. He's giving me an answer tomorrow morning and after the decision is made I need it to be effective immediately".

Jake nodded. "Of course, Sir". He replied, not even asking a question.

Mitch walked in as Jake was walking out.

Mitch walked up to Scott's desk and around it, to sit on Scott's lap.

Scott smiled at him. "Hi there".

Mitch smiled back. "Hiya".

Scott laughed and went back to reading over Kingsley's and Gus' files.

Mitch planted a kiss on Scott's neck and rested his head on Scott's shoulder.

"Ever wonder what it would be like to have sex on a desk"? Mitch asked.

Scott smirked and looked at Mitch, making Mitch lift his head off of Scott's shoulder and look at him.

"Wanna find out"? Scott asked.


Smut next chapter????

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