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Kendall's daily advice: school is important..... But so is partying.

I now have my new phone and there will be daily updates, I'm thinking every other day.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Scott smiled as the new Alpha they just hired sat down.

"Hi, I'm Scott. I'm the lead Alpha here and I would just like to go over a few things with you". Scott said with a smile on his face.

The man looked Scott up and down and bit his lip. "Your the lead"? He asked.

Scott glanced at him. "Yes, Sir".

"You're one hot piece of meat".

Scott's eyes widened at the comment. "Um.... Just have a seat, Sir. I have to go over things". He said, hoping to push whatever just came out of the guys mouth to the side.

The man walked around Scott's desk and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Say," the man started, "Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend, maybe"? The man asked.

Scott cleared his throat and shrugged the mans hand off. "Yes, he's my mate. Now please sit".

"Oh, you've marked him. What a shame. So, that means he can smell your emotions and whatever your feeling, right"?

"Uhhh.... Y-yeah".

"Where is he right now"?

"I'm not telling you that".

"Is he here".

"That's none of your business, Sir. Please sit".

"Ooo, he is here. So he can smell if you're in pain".

"Do I need to call security".

"Oh, honey. You don't want to do that".

Scott turned around to look at him, noticing he's holding a blade in his hand.

Scott's eyes turned red. "Secur-"

The man covered his mouth before he could say anything else. "Ah ah ah. Let's not do that now. We don't want to get hurt do we".

Scott shook his head and the man slowly let his hand fall down.

"You do understand that I'm the strongest Alpha? I could snap your neck". Scott growled.

The man put the knife to Scott's throat. "If be quiet if I were you".  

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