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Okay, there is one thing I forgot to say in the first chapter.

In the last chapter of the first book when it said,

God damn I love him
He thought.

I meant as in, Mitch was thinking it. I should've been more clear, some people got really confused and were like 'HE THOUGHT, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN'.

It was absolutely harmless. 

Anyway, I actually really like this chapter. It's normal but I feel like my writing skills are improving!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!


Manny planted a kiss on Tyler's lips. "I love you Ty".

Tyler smiled. "I love you too baby".

Manny kissed Tyler's temple and picked up his keys, leaving for the store.

Kirstie watched the interaction on the couch. "Why do y'all act like your never gonna see each other again. Calm down, he's going to the store".

Tyler pouted. "But he's my Alpha, and I'll miss him. I have every right to say 'I love you' before he leaves".

Kevin butted in. "What's wrong baby? You never say things like that".

Kirstie sighed. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just...... I don't know, I've been pretty down lately".

Tyler smiled. "It's okay, I forgive you".

Kevin kissed Kirstie's temple. "Is there anything I can do to help, baby".

She smiled at him. "No thank you, sir".

Kevin nodded. "Okay. Just let me know if you need anything".

She smiled. "Of course".

Kirstie treated Kevin like an Alpha. She was raised to treat men that way. To always be respectful towards them. Kevin didn't like it but didn't want to interfere with her family's rules and what she was raised to believe, so he simply just left it. 

Scott set a bowl of soup down in front of Mitch, who was sitting in Scott's office, studying up.

Scott required Mitch to study the Omega handbook every three months, to keep Mitch sharpe on his Omega behavior.

Mitch agreed to the idea and so he sits in Scott's office every three months to study.

Mitch was so lost in his studies, he didn't see Scott walk into the room or see that Scott set a bowl of soup down in front of him.

Mitch finally noticed him when Scott leaned over his shoulder to see what page Mitch was on.

Mitch looked up at Scott and his eyes turned their crazy blue. He quickly got out of the chair and kneeled down on the floor, in submissive position.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows, this happened often when Mitch would study the Omega Handbook again.

His Omega instincts would go into overdrive and he would be overly submissive.

Scott didn't like it one bit.

"What are you doing"? Scott asked, his voice strong. He hated when his Omega acted like this for no reason. He hated seeing Mitch so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you when you came in. A deserve punishment, Sir. I'm very sorry Alpha".

Scott kneeled down in front of Mitch and forced Mitch to look at him. "You don't deserve a punishment baby boy. You did nothing wrong, you hear me. You were hard at work with study's and I have no problem with that".

Mitch looked down. "I'm a bad Omega, Sir. I'm sorry I didn't do as I was suppose to".

Scott shook his head but caught glance of Mitch's bottom lip wobbling.

Scott sighed and took Mitch into his arms, rubbing his back. "No honey, your such a good Omega. Shh, your so amazing baby boy. You don't deserve a punishment. I love you, Sweetheart. It's okay". Scott said to him, hoping the cute nicknames would bring Mitch out of his state.

Mitch nodded and dried his tears, before Scott helped him off the floor.

Mitch sat back down and Scott closed the book, setting it off to the side.

Scott pushed the soup towards Mitch. "Eat, please". He said.

Mitch nodded, his eyes still going from brown to blue.

He took a deep breathe and closed his eyes, letting himself calm down before eating his soup.

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now