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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Avi looked at Mitch's hand, cleaning it up and wrapping it.

"So, is everything okay"? Scott asked.

Avi nodded. "Yes, since he's an Omega, it will take longer to heal but should heal soon".

Scott let out a sigh of relief. "Okay".

Mitch nodded. "Will the pain go away soon"? He pouted.

Scott frowned. "Oh baby, does it hurt".

Mitch's eyes welled up with tears and nodded timidly. "Yes sir, it d-does".

Scott sat down on the bed beside him and wrapped his arms around Mitch. "Don't cry baby".

"It h-hurts".

Avi sighed at the scene in front of him. "The pain won't go away till it heals, Munchkin. I'm sorry".

Mitch let out a little sob. "Okay, I-I'm sorry for asking".

Scott shook his head. "Don't apologize baby, it's okay".

Kevin walked into the room then. "Sir"? He asked.

Scott turned his attention to Kevin, still running a hand up and down Mitch's arm. "Yes Beta"?

"Kirstie's through with her Heat, I just thought you should know".

Scott nodded. "Okay, thank you for helping her, I know she needed it".

"Of course, Alpha".

Kevin walked out of sight and back down to Kirstie to help with the aftermath of a Heat.

Scott kissed the top of Mitch's head and continued to run his hand up and down his arm. "It's gonna be okay, baby boy".

The doorbell rang, confusing all of them.

Scott sighed. "I'll get it". He said, getting up, off the bed and heading down stairs.

He opened the door to find someone unexpected. "Alex"?

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now