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Okay, listen, some PTX fans need to chill the fuck out.

I feel like some of them are just so extra, like, all I see when PTX posts a photo is people arguing and it's over the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

Someone could comment and be like. "What is Mitch wearing, lol😂"?

And some crazy fan will come in and be like. "He can wear what ever he wants, it's his decision not yours. Just let him be himself".

And to me, thats crazy. And it's, honestly, getting on my nerves. Like, yes they can wear whatever they want, they can be themselves but don't get mad at people for not liking it. Like chill the fuck out.

Some fans just get very 'over the top' if you know what I mean.

And it's almost ALWAYS on Mitch's photos. Some people get really mad at other fans for not liking what he's wearing.

And that happens A LOT.

If I'm being honest, his style isn't really something I like and it's something I wouldn't wear and that's NOT a big deal.

I saw the stupidest conversation/fight about how Mitch is bald. One fan commented. "I miss Mitchies hair, I wish it wasn't gone".

And this CRAZY FAN GOES. "Stop judging him, he can do whatever he wants, maybe he gets sad bc no one likes his bald head and your just making it worse. So stop".

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if your one if those fans. Just stop. It's really really annoying and your taking EVERYTHING the wrong way. So just chill. Kay?

Anyway..... Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!


Scott ran around the shed, eyes still red so he could see in the dark.

He sighed when he saw his baby curled up, knees to chest and back resting on the shed.

"Oh, baby boy". Scott said, rushing to Mitch's side and sitting down beside him to pull him into his lap.

"What happened baby"? Scott asked.

Mitch let out a sob. "I-I j-just...... A-and t-they...... B-but I r-ran..... T-then-"

"Shhhhh, it's okay sweetheart". Scott said, soothingly rubbing his hand up and down Mitch's back.

"I-I'm sorry I w-worried y-you".

"It's okay, it's okay. Let go home, yeah"?

Mitch nodded against Scott's shoulder, Scott taking that as a 'yes' and standing up from the ground, Mitch wrapping his legs around Scott's waist.

Scott carried him back to the car and opened the back door, placing him in the seat and climbing in with him.

Manny looked at Scott, expectantly. "Can you drive us home"? Scott asked.

Manny nodded. "Of course, Sir".

Kevin made tea for him, Avi, and Kirstie.

He made Kirstie some Peppermint Bedtime tea, knowing how much she likes it. He made Avi Vanilla tea and he made regular tea for himself.

Then he smelled it, all the way from the kitchen.

"Troye"? Kevin called.

"Yes sir"?

"Are you in Heat"?

"Um, no. Why"? He asked.

"I smell it. Who is it then"?

Avi stood from the couch abruptly. "It's Kirstie".


I'm sorry about the rant, it's just something I needed to get off my chest.

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