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Kendall's daily advice: go listen to Purple Lamborghini by: Skrillix and Rick Ross.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


"So, Scott Richard Hoying, we have a very special spot for you. Our lead of the counsel just retired and..... We think you'll be a perfect fit".

Scott was surprised to say the least. He hadn't expected Jake to say that.

"U-um yeah. That's sounds great".

Jake stood up. "Awesome! I'll go get your house key, your time sheets for work and then show you the underground space".

Scott smiled. "Sounds great".

Jake nodded and walked out of the room, as soon as Jake closed the door, everyone's Jaw dropped.

"O. My. God". Mitch said slowly.

They heard the door nob jiggle and Jake walked in. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell Manny what his job is. I didn't have my folder with me. Manny you'll be another bodyguard, working alongside Kevin, again I'm so sorry".

Manny smiled and waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, that's okay".

Jake let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, good". Jake said while walking in the room again. He set down a folder and a key. "Okay, this is your folder with your time sheets in it and this is your house key. If you don't mind, please follow me".

Scott nodded and everyone stood to follow.

Jake lead them to the end of the hallway and to an elevator. He pressed the open button.

Seconds later, the elevator opened and everyone stepped inside.

Jake pressed the down button and waited for the door to close to take them down.

Mitch pulled on Scott's sleeve. Scott looked down and frowned. "What's wrong"? He whispered.

"I'm nervous". Mitch whispered back.

"It'll be okay, Angel". Scott said, taking Mitch's hand in his own and giving it a little squeeze.

The door opened to reveal huge streets and tall buildings.

This place looked exactly like New York.

The city lights were blinding and beautiful at the same time.

They all followed Jake out of the elevator and to walk on the sidewalk.

"So, we do have heating and air conditioning. When it's night in 'real' New York, it's night here. When it's day in 'real' New York, it's day here. The same for when it's summer, winter, fall, spring. Everything's the same. This place is just an exact replica of New York. It has all the same eating places, same companies, same buildings, same houses. It's all the same". Jake said.

They stopped in front of a big building, filed with penthouses. "And this is where you'll be living. Since, Alpha Scott is the lead, he gets a nice house. It's just how it works".

"Well I'm not complaining". Scott muttered under his breath.

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