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Kendall's daily advice: When you do something, make sure it's coming from the right heart.


LOL you're not going to enjoy this chapter but.... You know I have to say it.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Mitch shook his head. "A-alpha".

"Just answer the question baby".

Mitch took awhile to think. He wants kids, he wants to save his baby. He wants his baby back and..... Scott doesn't. Scott doesn't want anymore kids right now. Scott wants to take his time, meanwhile Mitch is running. They aren't even married and they had a child together.

Then Mitch took some time to think about where Scott is coming from. They're young and have a lot to live for, they don't need to be tied down by a baby. Maybe the baby does need to be in a foster home. She deserves good parents who are going to take care of her and provide for her, not young kids who had a baby too early.

But..... Was it too early. Is it really too early if you're ready for it and.... Want it?

Mitch shook his head. "I-I don't think I can".

Scott closed his eyes and sighed, his hands falling from Mitch's face and back down to his sides.

Scott ran a hand through his hair. "Um, I should go then".

Mitch nodded. "Yeah, I'll take the bus back home".

Scott started to pack without another word, he threw his shirts and pants into his bag and threw his shoes on. He was about to walk out of the bedroom, bags in hand.

"You'll stay though? You'll stay in the pack"? He asked.

Mitch smiled a little. "I have nowhere else to go".

Scott nodded sadly and opened the door, walking out. He grabbed the keys off the coffee table.

"Where are you going"? Mike asked.

"Mitch and I.... Had an argument. We aren't together anymore, I'm leaving".

Nel gasped. "Oh honey, no. Please stay. I'm sure whatever the argument was, it can be fixed".

Scott shook his head and let his eyes meet her face. "No, we can't. He's ready for kids, I'm not. I can't do this, he doesn't want to wait for me and I can't just catch up to him".

Mike set a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Scott, he really really loves you. Please stay and try to fix this".

"I-I can't".

"Why not"? Nel asked.

"He doesn't love me. If he did, he'd wait".

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