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Kendall's daily advice: men's deodorant, shampoo, and cologne all work better than women's.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


Scott and Mitch packed their things and decided to go to Texas for the weekend to see what they could do about their baby.

After packing all their things into Scott's vehicle. They went inside to say goodbye to everyone and mostly for Scott to give instructions.

"Alright, I'm leaving Alex in charge"-

"Why not me"? Manny asked, cutting him off.

Scott sighed in annoyance. "You may be my second in command but when Alex was in this pack before, I personally trained him. He knows what I want done and what decisions I'd make. So he's in charge".

Manny rolled his eyes. "Okay. Fine".

"And by your childish behavior, I don't think I should leave you in charge anyway". Scott spat, done with Manny's attitude.

Manny scoffed. "Please, he just came back to this fucking"-

"Language". Scott said, interrupting.

"I just think you should be leaving me in charge, that's all". Manny said, voice full of cockiness.

"You wanna know why I'm not leaving you in charge"? Scott asked.

Manny nodded his head but gave no verbal answer.

Scott sighed. "You're a hard ass, you expect too much out of people. If I left you in charge, I'd probably come back and you'd have punished everyone in this room. Alex has a kind, loving heart but can discipline when he needs to. Therefore, I leave him in charge. End of discussion".

"Yeah but-"

"I said end of discussion".

Mitch placed a hand on Scott's bicep, gaining Scott's attention.

Scott looked down. "Yes Angel"? Scott asked, his voice changing to a more loving tone.

"Can y'all please not fight, I....I just really wanna leave. I really want my baby back". Mitch said, his pleading eyes looking into Scott's

Scott brought a hand up to caress Mitch's cheek, he leaned down and pecked his lips. "Yeah baby, I'm sorry".

Mitch gave Scott a little smile before Scott turned his attention back to everyone else.

Manny sighed in annoyance, Scott just ignoring him and turning to Alex.

"I'm trusting you, don't let me down. Yeah"? Scott said.

Alex nodded. "Of course, Sir".

Scott grabbed Mitch's hand and walked out of the door.

Scott got in drivers seat while Mitch got in the passengers seat.

As they started to drive Scott asked a question. "What do you think of Manny"? He asked.

Mitch cleared his throat. "Truly"?

"Yes, Angel, be truthful".

"He scares me, I get a really uneasy feeling when I'm around him".

Scott hummed in thought. "Just what I needed to hear".

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