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No time for daily advice, it's been three days.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


After Mitch fell asleep, Scott went into the security room.

"Did you catch the fucker"? Scott asked.

Kevin nodded. "Yes sir".

"Great, let me see him".


"Let. Me. See. Him". Scott demanded.

"Yes, Sir".

Kevin signed to someone and then the big, metal door made a sound.

Kevin gestured to the door. "All yours".

Scott nodded and walked in, turning on the lights.

The shooter was tied up by chains that shock him if he tries to move.

He saw Scott and smirked. "Well, well, well". He said.

"Shut your ass. You touched my baby".

He laughed. "Aha yes, he's quite sexy".

Scott eyes went red and he growled. "I know he is. And he. Is. mine".

"Your very lucky. He's got a hot piece of ass".

Scot growled as loudly as possible, making the man shut up. "Where'd you touch him"? He asked.

"Why don't you ask him yourself".

"I shouldn't have to explain myself. Tell me".

"Like I said, he's got a pretty ass. Tight hole too".

Scott's eyes grew dark as he lunged forward, attaching him.


When Scott finally came back to his senses, the man was dead, blood dripping from his mouth.

Scott wiped his hands off on his pants and walked out.

Everyone in the security stared at him with wide eyes.

"S-Sir". Kevin spoke. "What was that".

Scott walked past him no to the door. "He touched my Angel".

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