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Longer chapter.

Love y'all and hope u enjoy this chappy!!!


"ALPHA ALPHA". Troye yelled, running from the hallway filled with bedrooms.

Scott and Mitch stopped in their tracks as they were heading down the stairs to leave. Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "Is something wrong"? He asked.

Just then, Joey walked out of the hallway, eyes burning red. Answering Scott's question.

Scott hummed and nodded, walking all the way down the stairs, Mitch not far behind. His eyes turned red and he turned on the most dominate voice possible. "Eyes back to normal, Alpha". His voice boomed.

Joey clenched his fists and rolled his eyes but squeezed them shut anyway and turned them back to their normal green.  

Scott eyes went back to blue then and his Alpha side dyed down. "Now what seems to be the problem"?

Troye opened his mouth to say something but Joey cut him off. "He lied to me about something very very important".

Scott hummed. "And what might that be"?

Joey glanced behind Scott, back at Troye. Scott snapped his fingers. "Don't look at him, look at me and tell me what he lied about so I can decide if it's worth punishment".

Joeys eyes went back to Scott and he sighed. "He lied to me about his number. He said he was a 4 but he's really a 6".

Scott nodded. "Okay...... Um have y'all been having... Like... Unprotected.. Sex".

Joey sighed again. ".....yes".

Scott's lips went into a thin line as he turned to face Troye. "..okay, you lied to an Alpha.... I'll give you a small punishment".

Troye nodded. "Yes sir".

"Isolation for an hour will be enough. You can sit in the guest bedroom".

"Yes, Alpha. I accept your punishment". Troye responded before walking down the hall to the guest bedroom.

Scott turned back to Joey. "If I come back and that boy is hurt, I'll have your throat. You know I'm completely against hurting Omegas".

Joey nodded. "Of course sir".

"Well get him a pregnancy test soon, don't even go into that guest room".

Scott gave him a curt nod and turned back to Mitch, taking his hand and walking out of the door with him.


They were about ten minutes away from the fancy restaurant Scott was taking Mitch.

"You know..... It's very sexy when your being all.. Dominate".

Scott but his lip. "You think so"?

Mitch nodded. "Oh yes".

Scott smirked. "Well maybe I'll show you how dominate I can be when we get home tonight".

Mitch bit his lip and looked at Scott through his eyelashes. "Yes, Sir".


Smut next chapter???

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