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Kendall's daily advice: drinking four cokes in one day probably isn't good for you.

Unfortunately I can't double today so I have.....

Wait for it...

Keep waiting.....

We're getting there.....

Hold on.....


That's right, because I can't double I have, CRAZY, KINKY, EXTRA LONG SMUT FOR YOU.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Mitch bit his lip and got off of Scott's lap to sit on the desk, pulling Scott's tie a little to get Scott to stand up.

Scott stood between Mitch's legs and kissed Mitch passionately.

Scott's hands massaged Mitch's thighs as Scott ran his tongue across Mitch's bottom lip, asking for entrance.

Scott slipped his tongue in and moved his hands to Mitch's hips to pull Mitch forward.

Scott pulled away from the kiss and started to attack Mitch's neck.

Mitch let out a long moan then bit his lip to try and stay quiet.

Although Scott's office was a hole floor and at the very top of the building and there was probably no chance of anyone hearing them, Mitch still wanted to be safe.

Scott found Mitch's sweet spot and started to suck slightly, causing Mitch to tilt his head to the side to allow more access.

Scott stopped and pulled away from Mitch, out of breath.

Scott reached for the hem of Mitch's shirt and pulled it over his head, throwing it across the room.

Scott leaned down and started to place light kisses on Mitch's chest.

Mitch's fingers intertwined with Scott's hair, tugging it a bit as encouragement to keep going.

Scott stood back up and took off his blazer and tie, then started to unbutton his white shirt.

Scott slipped it off his shoulders and threw it in the same direction as he threw Mitch's shirt.

Scott then went back to Mitch's neck, his hand going to the bulge in Mitch's pants as he started to massage it.

Mitch started to moan uncontrollably and squirm under Scott's touch.

"P-please A-A-Alpha". Mitch begged.

Scott started to kiss Mitch's lips as he unbuttoned Mitch's pants and slid them off, along with his underwear.

Scott pulled away and removed his own pants and underwear before opening his top, left desk drawer and pulling out lube and a condom.

He looked back to see Mitch with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Oh, shut up". Scott said.

Mitch giggled as Scott lubed up three fingers.

"Lean back for me, Angel". Scott said.

Mitch obliged and leaned back on the desk, spreading his legs.

Scott slipped in one finger before slipping in another one.

Scott started to scissor Mitch out and stretch him.

Once he thought Mitch was good, Scott pulled his fingers out and lubed up his cock, slipping on a condom.

"Stand up". Scott demanded.

Mitch stood.

"Turn around".

Mitch turned around.

Scott pushed Mitch's upper half on top of the desk, Mitch's hands reaching for the edge of the desk and gripping it, his face turned to the side and his cheek resting against the wood desk.

"Ready"? Scott asked.

"Please". Mitch whimpered.

Scott smirked and slowly started to work his dick inside Mitch.

"Mmhm, that's it". Mitch moaned as Scott pulled out and slammed back in.

Mitch's jaw dropped as he lifted his head and looked back at Scott.

Scott's hands were gripping Mitch's hips as he continued to slam into him.

"AHH GOD YES". Mitch screamed as
Scott hit his prostate.

Scott bit his lip and continued to slam into Mitch's prostate.


Scott gripped his hand around Mitch's throat and pulled until Mitch's back met Scott's chest.

Scott kept his grip on Mitch's throat as he slammed into him.

Mitch bit his lip but ended up screaming anyway. "FFFUCK".

Scott grunted. "Shut the fuck up, slut". He said as he made Mitch make eye contact with him.

Mitch held eye contact as he bit his lip to keep his screams in.

Scott let go of Mitch's neck and grabbed his hips, pushing Mitch's chest back on to the desk.

Mitch failed to keep his screams in as he was in the verge of his high. "O MY GOD- AHHHHHHH".

Scott threw his head back and bit his lip as he came inside the condom.

Scott continued to ride out his high as Mitch hit his. "O BABY I-I-- FUUUUUCCKK". Mitch screamed as his white substance spilled all over the desk.

Scott pulled out and slipped the condom off, throwing it in the trash.

Mitch pushed himself off the desk as Scott picked up Mitch's clothes and handed them to him.

Mitch took his clothes and slipped them on as Scott cleaned off his desk.

Mitch waited for Scott to slip on his clothes before kissing him on the cheek.

Scott smiled and sat back down in his chair, Mitch sitting on his lap.

Scott took out his computer and started back to work, both boys acting like nothing happened.

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