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Kendall's daily advice: I have nothing.

Okay, so, I put markers in the story where stuff gets PG, PG-13, and R. So you can stop reading whenever you want. Then I put a marker where everything goes back to normal and it just becomes G again.

Of course, there's SMUT.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


Mitch could barely keep it together all day, he could barley stay still in matter of fact. Like at lunch, when everyone was sitting around the table, Mitch could not keep from bouncing his foot up and down while they prayed. He couldn't contain himself with Scott sitting right beside him. Scott noticed, of course, and decided he'd play with him a little. Scott reached his arm over - with a smirk on his face - and placed his hand on Mitch's thigh. Mitch practically fell apart at the contact. Scott continued to converse with Kevin, pretending as if nothing was happening, while his hand trailed further and further up his leg. Mitch bit his lip to keep from whining. Scotts hand brushed over the bulge in Mitch's pants, Mitch having to bite back a moan. Scott quickly retrieved his hand as he laughed at something Kevin had said.

After dinner, Mitch ran upstairs to wait patiently for Scott. Scott was downstairs, helping clean up the kitchen. He had told Mitch he'd be up soon, knowing how needy his little Angel was.

Little did Scott know, Mitch had a nice surprise for him.

(The PG stuff starts here)

Mitch stripped of all his clothing and got into the sexiest outfit possible.

He had a short skirt on that just barely showed the start of his ass, socks that came up just above the knee, and, basically, a collar on.

He heard Scotts laugh coming up the stairs and he got off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Scott opened the door and closed it, looking around for the small boy but not seeing him.

He shook his head and went to stand in the mirror, slipping his jacket off his shoulders and going to unbutton his shirt.

Scott felt two small hands touch his shoulders, causing him to look up into the mirror at his beautiful baby. From Scott's view, half Mitch's body was showing and half of it was covered by him. Scott could just barely see the socks but he defiantly saw them. Mitch's thighs looked absolutely beautiful.

Scott turned around and leaned on the wooden table (that the mirror rested on) and put his hands on Mitch's hips, pulling Mitch closer to himself.

Mitch was biting his lip as he went forward to give Scott a peck on the lips. He was pulling away when Scott pulled him back in for another kiss.

(PG-13 stuff starts here)

Pulling away, Mitch licked his lips, causing Scotts problem to grow.

Mitch put his hand behind Scotts neck and started to walk backwards, having Scott follow.

Mitch sat on the bed, Scott pushing him farther back until Mitch was laying on his back. Scott towered over him and began kissing his neck. 

"Mmmm". Mitch moaned as Scott began to suck on his neck.

He sucked in a sharp breath when Scott found his soft spot, Scott smirked against Mitch's skin and started to bite down on it, definitely leaving a hickey.

Soon, all of their clothes were in separate parts of the room. Scott kissed Mitch passionately as he stroked Mitchs hard on.

Mitch pushed Scott back. "Would you just fuck me already". He breathed out.

Scott smirked. "With pleasure".

(Aaaaand now its rated R)

Scott then forced his fingers into Mitch's mouth, almost making him gag.

Scott pulled his fingers out and, roughly, shoved them into Mitch's hole.

Mitch gasped at the feeling of three fingers inside of him. Scott began stretching him out, making Mitch into a moaning mess.

Scott pulled his fingers out, Mitch whining at the feeling of the emptiness.

Scott grabbed a condom and slid it on, pushing into Mitch all at once.

Mitch screamed out in pain and pleasure.

Scott growled and put his hand over Mitch's mouth. "Shut up". He growled.

Mitch nodded and Scott began to slam into him, not even giving him time to get use to the feeling of his big cock inside of him.

Mitch squeezed his eyes shut when he felt Scott press into his prostate. Scott smirked and rammed into him.

Mitch began to squirm, not being able to take it. Scott growled and held Mitch's wrists down.

Mitch was nearing his high and he started to resist against Scott, trying to get loose of his grip.

"Fuck". Scott breathed out as his head flew back and he came inside of the condom.

Mitch bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to scream, seeing as Scott was pressing, hard, against his prostate.

Scott looked back down at Mitch and let go of his wrists, resting his hands beside Mitch's head. He began to pull out of Mitch, slow, before slamming right back in.

"AHHHH FUCK". Mitch screamed out, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Scott rammed into him, getting as deep as possible and hitting his spot with each thrust.


Scott was nearing his second high as Mitch neared his first.

"B-baby i-im gonna-" Mitch didn't have to finish the sentence because Scott understood.

Scott slammed into him hard as Mitch screamed his lungs out, reaching the biggest high he's ever had.

"GAAAAAHHHHHHHH". Mitch screamed.

Scott fell on top of him with a grunt as he filled the condom for the second time.

(Everything is G now)

After they both calmed down, Scott pulled out and took of the condom, throwing it in the trash. He grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wet it with warm water, walking back out into the bathroom and cleaning both him and Mitch off.

When Scott laid down beside Mitch, Mitch was still clutching the bed sheets with his eyes closed, obviously still not down from his high just yet.

Scott smiled slightly and turned to face him, running his hand over Mitch's stomach.

Scott turned Mitch to face him, causing Mitch's eyes to snap open, and pulled Mitch into his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

Mitch re-closed his eyes and snuggled into Scott, nuzzling his face into Scott's chest.

Scott smiled before drifted off into sleep, Mitch doing the same.

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