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So, I wasn't going to update today bc it's been a rough day but I found that I already had a chapter prepared and so I could update!!

I'll double for 'Don't Mess With Scott Hoyings Boyfriend (DMWSHB)' tomorrow!!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Scott started for the elevator but was stopped when someone pulled on his arm.

He turned around and was met with emerald green eyes.

Scott shook his head and turned around. "Mitch needs me".

Avi grabbed his arm to hold him back. "Scott, don't you think that you would smell that something is wrong"? He asked.

Scott turned around and thought about it for a second then slowly nodded.

Avi nodded slightly and sat Scott down on the couch in his office.

Avi inspected the injury and hummed. "I'll have to take the bullet out".

"How long is that going to take"?

"Maybe forty-five minutes if you sit still and don't move".

"Can you tell Tori to have a guard bring my Angel up here when they get him"? Scott asked.

Avi nodded. "Yes, Sir". He said before getting up and talking to Tori.

Scott just spaced out and thought about his Mitchie.

What if they get him?

What if I never see him again?

What if he's mad at me for letting them take him and we break up?

What if they kill him?

At that thought Scott's eyes turned red for a mere second. Only Mitch would've noticed it.

Scott zoned out as Avi worked on his arm, trying to see if he can sense his little Omega.

Scott tried as hard as possible to focus but it's hard when someone is poking at your shoulder constantly.

Especially since it's one of Scott's biggest pet peeves.

Scott snapped out of his thoughts when he finally sensed Mitch coming towards the elevator from downstairs.

Scott started intently at the elevator, waiting for it to open.

In the mean time, Avi had finished early since Scott was so still and quiet.

"Alright, you're good". Avi said.

Scott held his hand up and shushed him, still looking at the elevator doors.

When they finally clicked open Scott jumped out of his seat and ran to stand in front of Kevin holding a limp Mitch.

Scott took the passed out boy from Kevin arms and yelled at Avi to come over.

Avi looked over Scott's shoulder then came to stand at his side. He put one hand on Mitch's face, just to make sure he wasn't dead.

Avi nodded and tried to take the boy from Scott. Scott's eyes went red and he growled at Avi.

Avi out his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I'm just trying to help him". He said.

Scott slowly nodded and handed Mitch to Avi.

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