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so, I have a question.

Is there a specific time that would be good for y'all, for me to post chapters.

If so, comment your time here>>>

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


"Alex"? Scott asked, he was confused. He didn't really think Alex would come back, not that he had a problem with it, it's just surprising.

"Hi, sir. Um..... Y-you told me to come back when I was ready..... And I'm ready now and.... I'd like to re-join, if that's okay"?

Scott smiled and nodded his head towards inside. "Come inside Al, talk to me".

Alex let a small smile play on his lips as he entered the house. "It's a beautiful home".

Scott nodded. "Thank you, I agree". Scott motioned to the couches. "Please, sit. I'll go check on Mitchie and then I'll be right back".

Alex nodded, glad Scott had been so welcoming, he didn't think Scott would let him back in, not after the way he treated Mitch. Alex still feels guilty about it. He still feels like he should've been watching over Mitch. He still feels like it was his job to protect and he didn't.

Alex went through some Alpha training, his older brother being glad to help. His brother, Andrew, is 27 and was the third highest ranking Alpha in his class, though his brothers rank can't compare to Scott's.

Scott has a perfect Alpha score. He doesn't talk about it much, you know Scott being the lovely human being he is, he doesn't want to make anyone feel like they're 'less than' he is and.... It just makes him feel like he's bragging when he talks about it, so he keeps it shut.

Scott walked back down the stairs, He sat down right beside Alex. "So, what happened, why do you want to come back"? He asked.

Alex sighed. "With the help of my brother, I've done some Alpha training, become better. I'm sorry I didn't protect Mitchie".

Scott shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's fine, really. You're an amazing Alpha and it wasn't your fault, I don't blame you".

Alex nodded, though he still felt like it was his fault for letting Mitch cut all down his hand. "Thank you, Sir. Who else is in this pack, if you don't mind me asked".

Scott waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, don't worry about it. I think they're all here, if you want to meet them".

Alex nodded. "Yes, please".

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