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Kendall's daily advice: wear deodorant before you go anywhere, not perfume.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!  


Scott and Mitch drove for miles and miles, Mitch just listening to the radio and continuously getting on his phone.

Mitch groaned. "When are we gonna be there". He whined.

Scott knew how cranky Mitch could get when he was tired. He'd either get super cute and adorable or just flat out pissed off at everything.

Scott chuckled. "Just another thirty minutes baby. Why don't you watch some Netflix on your phone for the rest of the drive, Angel".

Mitch lightened up at the pet name Scott had given him but still rolled his eyes and groaned in response while pulling out his phone and headphones.

Alex went through the house and made sure everyone was asleep. He waited outside the last door he needed to check.

Manny and Tyler's room.

Manny had made it very clear that he did not need Alex to check on him before he goes to sleep.

Of course, Manny had waited till after Scott left to snap at Alex, for no absolute reason.

Alex hesitated outside their door, he finally reached a hand up and knocked lightly.

He heard a soft 'come in' before he peeked his head in.

Tyler was the one awake, instead of Manny, making Alex sigh in relief.

Tyler smiled. "Is there anything I can do for you Alpha"?

Alex smiled at his politeness. "Oh no, I just came to check in on y'all before checking in for the night".

"Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you, Sir".

Alex nodded. "Thanks, I know Manny didn't want me to come check on y'all but.... When I was with Scott, he did this every night and I suspect he still does so....."

Tyler nodded. "I understand. We're all good here, I was just about to lay down".

"Okay, sleep tight". Alex said before closing the door.

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