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Kendall's daily advice: finish your homework early. Don't be me. I have twenty four pages of Grammer do by tomorrow and, lol, it's not done.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


They heard a loud crack and a scream follow right after.

Scott's eyes widened and he turned to Mitch. "Go upstairs and wait in our room".

Mitch nodded and ran upstairs, slamming the door to their room behind him.

Scott ran down the hallway and threw the first door open.

Joey and Troyes door

And what his eyes saw, he'll never forget.

He ran up to Joey and grabbed the whip, stopping it from hitting the young Omegas skin again.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING". Scott screamed while ripping the whip out of Joeys hand.

Joey rolled his eyes. "I'm disciplining this little piece of"-

"DONT YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE". Scott was now two inches away from Joeys face.

He pointed towards the door. "Go sit on the couch and wait for me to get out there. Do you understand".

Joey sighed out of annoyance but walked towards the door and left without another word.

Scott picked Troye up by the waist and sat him on his butt at the edge of the bed.

Scott kneeled in front if him and reached his hand up to wipe a few stray tears off of the tiny Omegas face. "Tell me what happened Troye".

Troyes face was full of sadness as he answered. "I-I have n-no id-ea".

Scott shook his head. "What do you mean you have no idea. Did he punish you for be reason"?

"N-no, S-sir. He pu-punished me because I dropped a plate on the floor and I-I-I dropped it near his f-feet and it c-cut him".

Scott got angrier. That was no reason to punish an Omega. And where the hell is everyone else. Where was everyone when this was happening.

Scott clenched his hands and un-clenched them. "Okay. I'll go get Avi to clean you're back. I'm so sorry this happened to you little one".

Troye nodded. "It's quite okay, Sir. Thank you, Sir".

Scott nodded and decided not to say something about how it's not really okay and he just let it go.

Scott opened the door and walked into the living room.

He stared angrily at Joey, who was sitting on the couch. 

Scott pointed to the door of the house. "Leave. You're not welcome here anymore".

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