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Kendall's daily advice: don't wait till the last five minutes to get ready.

If y'all have any suggestion for Daily Advice, you can leave them here>>>>

I promise to give full credit to you!!!

The drama is starting up again. And I don't even apologize.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"Okay, Kingsley. I'm gonna take you to my Alpha. Are you okay with that"? Mitch asked the younger Omega.

Kingsley nodded. "He's the lead, right? That means he can help me"?

Mitch nodded. "Yes, it does".

Mitch packed the rest of his things and headed for the door with Kingsley.

They walked to an elevator, stepping inside, Mitch pressed a red button and typed in a pass code. Then, the elevator went up.

Once the elevator doors opened, they revealed Scott's office.

Scott had a wooden desk, two one seat couches sat in front of it and his rolling chair was on the other side.

Off to the left was a couch and coffee table with a TV put on the wall in front of it.

Then to the right was a small kitchen with a fridge and right beside that was a mini bar.

"Baby"? Mitch said, gaining Scott's attention.

Scott looked up and smiled. "Hi, Angel. Who's this". He said, gesturing to Kingsley.

"This is Kingsley and he needs your help with something".

Scott nodded gestured towards the chairs. "Why don't you sit". Scott said.

Mitch and Kingsley both sat in the chairs and watched as Scott searched through drawers.

"What's your last name"? Scott asked.

"Bishop". Kingsley answered.

Scott nodded and pulled out a folder.

Scott set it on the table and closed the drawer. "This is your file. It has everything this counsel needs to know about you. I'm just gonna go through it real quick to know a little more about you, then we will get to talking".

Kingsley nodded and watched as Scott read through pages and pages of Kingsley's files.

Scott nodded and hummed, putting everything back into the folder and closing it.

Scott put it off to the side and looked to Kingsley. "Alright, talk to me. What's going on"?

Kingsley became nervous and looked down. "Oh, um. My Alpha p-punishes me for no r-reason".

Scott nodded. "No stuttering, okay. You don't have to be scared of me".

Kingsley nodded. "Yes, Sir. I'm sorry".

"That's okay, tell me more".

Kingsley gulped. "Well, he yells at me a lot and tells me I'm stupid, then he'll punish me and I don't even know why".

Scott's eye brows furrowed. "So, he abuses you".

"Yes, Sir".

"Are you sure everything you're telling me is true". Scott questioned.

"Yes, Sir".

Scott nodded. "What's your Alphas name".


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