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Yay!!! An update.

Sorry it took so long, I've been really busy.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!!!!!


After the meeting, Scott carried on at work, taking calls, replying to e-mails.

It was finally the end of the day. He was good to leave and he was packed and ready to go. He couldn't wait till he got home so he could lay in bed with his Mitchie, maybe take a shower together.

Scott got inside the elevator and he pressed the first floor button and watched as the door closed and the elevator began to take him down.

He had a tiny flashback of when he and Mitch had sex in the elevator and got away with it. Scott chuckled to himself and shook his head.

The doors opened to reveal the lobby. Scott stepped out and headed towards the door but he was stopped.

"Mr. Hoying"? He heard Tori say.

He sighed, not meaning to be rude, he was just tired. Scott turned around and put on a smile. "Yes".

"I know you were on your way out but can I just say something".

"Of course".

"I think you should let Mitch help us out. I know how precious he is to you and I can see that, but he'd be a huge help".

Scott sighed. "I know you mean what you just said with a good heart but... It seems to me that you guys just want to use him as bait. And you really don't know how much he means to me. If anything happened, it'd all be my fault because I let him do it".

"Sir, we're not trying to use him as bait".

"Yeah? Tell me, what exactly will he be doing up there"?

Tori looked down at her hands but didn't give Scott an answer.

"Answer me". Scott demanded.

"We we're gone send him up there to flirt with the two boys and try to seduce them. Then, before anything actually happens, we'd come in and grab them".

Scott shook his head. "Yknow what. I've made up my mind. Mitch won't be helping".

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