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Double for Scotty Boys birthday.

I love him so much and he's helped me through a lot. All I have to do is watch a Superfruit video to lighten my day.

Love you ScottyBuckets!!!

Love y'all too and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


After they moved in, well after workers from the counsel moved them in, they all sat around the dinning room table.

"Alpha"? Mitch said.

Scott looked up from his food. "Yes baby".

"Isn't it your birthday today"? Mitch asked.

Scott blushed and looked down. "I don't want to make a big deal out of it".

"Aw, Alpha, let's do something".

Scott shook his head. "No, it's okay".

Kevin smiled. "Aw come on, at least let us get you a cake".

Scott sighed. "Fine".

Mitch jumped out of his seat and clapped. "Yay!!"

Scott laughed, glad Mitch was happy.

"Okay, okay. Kevin let's go get the cake". Mitch said rushing upstairs.

"Wait, Angel". Scott called.

Mitch stopped in his tracks. "Yes". He called back.

"You have to eat dinner first".

Mitch ran back downstairs and sat down, stuffing food in his mouth and eating it as fast as possible.

"Slow down, baby. You'll get a stomach ache, then you can't eat cake". Scott said.

Mitch stopped eating and swallowed the rest of food in his mouth and wiped his mouth. "Done". He said.

Scott laughed. "I love you".

"I love you too"!


Scott made Mitch stay as Kevin went to the store.

Mitch had a tiny stomach ache, wonder why??

Scott gave Mitch some peppermint tea and let him lay down on the couch as they cuddled.

"I told you, you'd get a stomach ache". Scott said.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Whatever".

Scott laughed and kissed Mitch's forehead.

Kevin walked in with the cake and Mitch immediately jumped up.

Kevin laughed and set the cake on the kitchen counter.

"Did you find the place okay"? Scott asked.

"Yes Sir, I found it just fine".

Mitch jumped on the counter. "Okay, okay. Enough talk, let's eat cake".

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