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Little chapter for y'all!!!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Manny placed a hand on Tyler's forehead. He frowned at how warm it was. "I think you might be sick baby".

Tyler pouted. "But I don't wanna be sick, Alpha".

Manny shook his head. "I'll ask if we can take you to the doctor tomorrow when Scott gets home".

Tyler nodded and shivered. "Alpha Scott is always so nice to us".

Manny smiled. "He is, isn't he".

Tyler smiled, wide and nodded. "Oh yes, one time he bought me chocolate because I stubbed my toe and it hurt".

Manny rubbed Tyler's arm. "That's great sweetie pie".

Just then, they heard Scott and Mitch come home. Mitch was laughing at something Scott had said.

Manny kissed Tyler's forehead and stood up. "I'll go talk to him sweetie".

Tyler nodded. "Okay, Alpha". He said as Manny closed the door behind himself.

Scott kissed Mitch on the lips when they arrived home.

Scott walked walked into the living room and placed his phone on the table and started to take off his jacket.

Manny walked down the hall then. "Sir"? 

Scott looked up and smiled. "Is there something you need, Alpha"?

"Tyler seems to have a little bit of a cold, do you mind of I take him to the doctor tomorrow".

Scott's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Of course, you don't have to ask me, to take your on Omega to the doctor. Just let me know what time, yeah"?

Manny nodded. "Of course, thank you sir".

"Anytime, Emmanuel".

After Scott heard Manny close the door he looked around the room for Mitch but didn't see him.

So, he went up the stairs, thinking he was in the bedroom.

He opened the door and furrowed his eyebrows, he didn't see Mitch in there.

Then he heard his car horns going off.

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now