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Kendall's daily advice: coffee burns.

Okay, I've decided to not have a certain time that I post new chapters anymore. It's too much and it stresses me out a lot. So, whenever I have time in the day, I'll post a chapter.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!


Mitch was getting ready to leave Scott's office, so Kingsley can come in.

Scott looked up as Mitch was getting ready to leave. "You don't have to go, you can stay". Scott said.

Mitch shrugged. "I just figured I'd give you guys some privacy".

Scott shook his head and chuckled. "You're too nice. But seriously, you can stay. If he decided to be in the pack, you can welcome him and everything".

Mitch rolled his eyes but sat down on the chair anyway.

The elevator doors opened, revealing, Kingsley, Jake, and Tori.

Jake walked in first, Tori behind him and Kingsley behind her.

Scott stood from his chair to shake Jakes hand and thank him.

Jake smiled and nodded.

Tori set down a few papers on Scott's desk.

Some for if Kingsley decided to put Gus in jail and some if Kingsley decided to move into their pack.

After Jake and Tori left, Scott got right down to business.

"So, did you decide"? Scott asked.

Kingsley nodded. "Yes, Sir".

"Okay, and what's your choice".

"I'd like to move into your pack but also put Gus in jail, if that's okay"?

Scott smiled and nodded. "That's perfectly fine". Scott then handed some papers to Kingsley. "Theses are the forms I need you to fill out to be in the pack". And then some more papers. "And these are the forms stating why Gus is going to prison. Please read over them and give me the okay".

Kingsley smiled. "I will, Sir. Thank you so much".

Scott smiled back. "Of course".

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