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Kendall's daily advice: DO NOT drop your phone on concrete.

Yes, I still don't have a new phone. That's why its been forever since I've updated this story. So sorry about that. BUT I have a special chapter for you and an extra special chapter for you tomorrow.

Yes, you guessed it, SMUT.

Now, the full smut comes tomorrow , this chapter has only a little bit of smut in it. It shouldn't be triggering at all.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


Apparently Mitch missed Scott more than Scott thought.

They were taking a shower together, which isn't unusual for them.

While Scott was washing his hair, Mitch's hands were running up and down his torso.

Scotts eyes were closed as he washed the soapy substance out of his hair, he felt Mitch's hands running freely over his body and he peeked an eye open to look at the boy.

Mitch was biting his lip as he stared at Scotts chest.

"You're fucking gorgeous". Mitch said aloud.

Scott smirked and closed his eye again while he washed the rest of the shampoo out of his hair.

"Well thank you, Angel".

Mitch didn't respond as his hands roamed lower and lower on Scotts body.

Scott quickly finished washing his hair and took Mitch's hands off his body, now sexually frustrated, and leaned down towards Mitch's ear.

"What do you think you're doing". He growled.

Mitch smirked. "Just making you hard, daddy".

Scott roughly pushed Mitch into the shower wall. "Oh, I don't think so".

Mitch giggled as Scott grabbed Mitch's hard on in his hand. Mitch gasped as his head fell back onto the wall of the shower with his eyes closed in pleasure.

Scott stroked him while kissing on Mitch's neck, nibbling and biting.

Mitch gasped when Scott found his soft spot.

Scott let go of Mitch's cock and went back up to his ear.

"You have two options: one, I can fuck you right now or two, I can fuck you tomorrow, while everyone is gone, so hard and so rough that you won't be able to walk for weeks".

Mitch squeezed his eyes shut, Scott had made him so, unbelievably, hard that he considered the first option but... The second option sounded so good.

"T-two". Mitch stuttered.

Scott smirked. "Okay then. I'll get out of the shower and wait in the bedroom while you finish off".

Mitch nodded, still breathless. "Okay". He whispered out.

Scotts smirk grew as he stepped out of the shower and walked right out of the bathroom.

Mitch finished himself off, quickly, and shut the shower off.

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