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Kendall's daily advice: plastic plates melt in the microwave. Your welcome.

Love y'all and hope you and enjoy this chappy!!!!


"It really not your fault honey, just explain to me what happened again, don't leave a single detail out, okay"? Scott said.

He was now sitting right beside Mitch on the bed, Mitch faced forward so that his feet were dangling off the bed and Scott was just facing Mitch, holding his hand.

Mitch sniffed. "O-okay". He answered Scott, he took a deep breath. "It was when you left the room to go get me a towel that your phone started to ring. I looked at it and it was my dad, so I thought it wasn't really that big of a deal to pick it u-up". Mitch paused for a second, on the verge of crying again.

Scott rubbed a hand up and down his back. "It's okay, take your time angel".

Mitch nodded and took a few more breathes. "H-he sounded worried when I answered. He asked where you were and I told him that you were out of the room to get something for me..... He told me that something bad has happened and that our b-baby was taking by social services b-because they don't think they are f-fit to b-be raising a b-b-baby. A-a-and when they tried to go back and adopt her, t-they said they c-couldn't because t-they're b-blood related a-a-and now m-my b-baby's g-gone". Mitch broke down into sobs again. Scott instantly wrapped his arms around him.

Scott shook his head, this shouldn't have happened, something must've gone wrong. And who reported Mitch's parents to social services.

All these thoughts ran through Scott's head.... But one stuck out the most.

The one voice saying.

My baby girl is gone, how the hell am I suppose to move on from this..... How am I suppose to have more kids.

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