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Kendall's daily advice: don't fall in the lake while your at camp.

Fun fact: I cracked my phone for the first time today.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


They finished cleaning their hair and washing their body's but they stayed in the shower and stood underneath the water, holding each other.

Scott's pointer finger ran up and down the scar he gave Mitch last year and he sighed. "I can't believe I ever let my anger get out of control with you like that". He said aloud.

Mitch picked his head off of Scott's chest and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about"? He asked.

"The scar on your back". Scott replied, shortly.

Mitch frowned. "Don't think about such things".

"Okay, I'm sorry".

Mitch put his head back on Scott's chest. "Plus, I forgave you already. I forgave you even before the whip hit my back. Because I love you and I'll always forgive you".

Mitch heard a sniff and looked up to see Scott with tears in his eyes.

Mitch pouted. "Baby, what's wr"-

"I still have nightmares about h-hurting you". Scott cut him off.

Mitch looked down. "Scott, it's not your-"

"Yes it is. It's all my fa-fault". Scott said shaking his head and throwing his head into his hands.

Mitch hugged Scott, Scott putting his head on Mitch's shoulder and crying.

Mitch ran a hand up and down Scott's back. "What's up with you, why are you acting like this"? Mitch asked.

Scott gripped onto Mitch. "I h-hurt you".

Mitch sighed. "Scott...."

Scott shook his head against Mitch's shoulder. "Every time I smell pain or fear, I have panic attacks, thinking I hurt you again". He whispered.

Mitch hugged Scott as tight as possible, Scott doing the same.

"I love you so much, Scottie. Please don't feel this way. Even if you shot me dead, I will still forgive you. You don't have to search for my forgiveness, ever. So, don't ever worry about messing up because I'll always be there to forgive you".

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