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Sad chapter.... Sorry.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!


Alex moved into the guest room downstairs a day later. His bedroom was right across from Joeys and Troyes.

"Dinner". Kevin yelled from the kitchen.

Everyone filed downstairs and went into the kitchen, except Mitch and Scott.

No one questioned it, Scott was the lead and could do as he pleased.

"Dinner looks great baby, thanks for making it". Kirstie said to Kevin.

Kevin leaned down and pecked Kirstie's lips. "Of course baby, and thank you". He said when he pulled away.

Alex talked with Troye while Joey grabbed his food.

"So how old are you"? Alex asked.

Troye smiled. "Oh I'm 19".

"That's great! I'm 21". Alex replied, maybe a little too happy.

Joey saw their encounter and clenched his jaw. "Troye, baby, go sit at the table please and let Alpha Alex get his food".

Troye eyes met his Alphas and he could immediately sense disapproval and anger. He nodded his head. "Yes sir". He said and scurried over to the table to sit in his seat.

Manny decided that since Scott wasn't down there, and since he was second in charge, he would make the Betas plates today.

Once everyone was sat around the table and prepared to eat, Manny stood from the table. "Y'all can't eat yet, Alpha Scott isn't down here. Do you understand".

Everyone nodded and put their forks and knives down to wait for Scott and Mitch.

Mitch had gotten in the shower real quick thirty minutes before dinner but something must've gone wrong.

Scott stood in the shower with Mitch, holding Mitch against his chest. "Shh, baby don't cry. Honey tell me what's wrong". Scott spoke in a soft voice.

Mitch couldn't answer, he wasn't just crying or sobbing, he was wailing. Scott held him tighter against his chest to keep him still. "Honey what happened". Scott whispered in Mitch's ear.

Mitch continued to sob. "I-I-I-I-I-I"-

Scott couldn't stand the sadness. "It's okay baby". Scott said interrupting him.

Mitch's knees gave out and he fell to the floor of the shower, Scott catching him before he hit the floor.

Scott sat on the floor of the shower and pulled Mitch into his lap, he rubbed Mitch's back as the hot water poured on both of them.

"It's gonna be okay baby boy, you know I hate seeing you cry and I feel like everytime you cry, it's my fault because I'm suppose to be making you happy and when you cry, you're not happy and I hate that. So, please please baby, calm down for me. I love you so so much". Scott whispered in Mitch's ear.    

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