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Kendall's daily advice: flavored sparkling water is, honestly, the best thing on this earth.


Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


"Um, o-okay. Is something wrong, Alpha".

"No, I just-... I really need to talk". Scott answered.

Mitch nodded and, without a word, walked down the hallway and to the bedroom he saw his dad and Scott disappear into earlier.

Scott was right behind them and shut the door once they were inside.

Mitch sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him.

Scott sat down beside him and put his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together, head facing the ground.

"Am I a bad father"? He asked Mitch.

Mitch shook his head, not understanding. "No, baby, of course not".

"Then why do I feel like this sudden weight is off my shoulders. Why do I feel like the baby being gone is a good thing".

Mitch looked shocked. They had gone through so much with this baby and now Scott is glad the baby is gone. His own child is gone and he's glad about it. Mitch had to take a minute to process it because he just couldn't believe what just came out of his Alphas mouth. They worked so hard for that child, so hard, and now Scott just wants to leave her in a foster home?

"A-Alpha, I don't understand".

"I'm sorry Angel, I just- I can't help how I feel and this is it, this is how I feel".

"This, this is how you feel? You want our baby to stay gone. You don't want to look for her"? Mitch's voice was getting higher and he slowly stood from the bed as he talked.

Scott stood with him. "No, baby, i just feel like we aren't ready for this. We're so young and have so much to live for, do you really want to be tied down with a baby"?

"Of course not but it happened. I had a baby. So now we take care of her and look for her because she's our baby". Mitch's voice got a little higher as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Mitchie, but the world is just moving way too fast right now".

Mitch looked at him disbelief, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinting at Scott, he was almost yelling with his next words. "The world is moving too fast for you? What do you want the world to do? Slow down? The world, Scott, is not going to wait for you to catch up, the world is going to keep going and it's going to go however fast it wants. The world is not going to wait for you".

Scott shook his head. "I don't care if the world is going to wait for me, all I care about..... Is if you'll wait for me. Will you wait for me to catch up, Mitch"?

Mitch shook his head and his hands frantically and looked to the ground. Tears pricked his eyes. "I-I can't do this Scott. I love you so so much but.... I'm ready.... And.... I d-don't know if I can wait for you to catch up". He said while his voice lowered to a whisper.

Scott grabbed Mitch's hands. "Look at me, Angel". Scott said, his voice in a whisper as well.

Mitch's teary eyes met Scott's. Scott let go of Mitch's hands to now hold Mitch's face. "We're going to make it through this. That baby, our baby, we don't deserve her. She deserves the best of the best, not two teenagers who can't take care of themselves yet".

"You're almost twenty". Mitch said.

Scott chuckled softly. "That's true and.... Maybe in a year or two, when you're twenty, I'll be ready, we'll be ready".

Mitch shook his head. "But.... I'm ready now and..... I want this, baby, I want this with you".

Scott nodded. "I want this with you too, sweetheart, but... I'm not ready yet. And..... I have a question for you, answer truthfully, yeah"?

Mitch nodded and Scott took that as a 'yes'. "Do you want to keep running round and round with the world and.... Leave me by myself or..... Will you wait for me, will you fall behind from how fast the world is moving, to hold hands with me and walk at our own pace. Will you encourage me to take my time, even though you want this now? Will you"?

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