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Kendall's daily advice: hot apple cider is the best thing on this planet.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Mitch nodded. "That's correct".

Then he pointed to a whip. "And what's this".

Mitch was going over the punishment section.

Sure, it sucks that they have to go over that. It sucks even more that Omegas have to get punished in the first place. But they have to know it, it's ABO Law.

After going over the tools Alphas use to punish Omegas, they went over how to take care of yourself after you've been punished.

Usually an Omega is so fragile that a punishment can really damage them. That is, of course, also depending on how hard the punishment was and what tool their Alpha used.

Mitch went over the basics of how to care for yourself after punishment. Usually if you have an Alpha, they help you as well.

After going over what you do after each punishment and how to care for yourself, Mitch dismissed his class.

As Mitch was packing everything up, sorting and putting papers into folders, a young Omega came up to him.

The Omega tapped on Mitch's shoulder, making Mitch turn around.

Mitch smiled. "Yes, may I help you"?

The omega looked down. "Um, yes, I.... Well- I just had a question".

Mitch nodded. "Yes, what is it"?

The Omega audibly gulped. "What if your Alpha punishes you.... For no reason".

This made Mitch concerned. He'd gone through abuse with his dad when he was younger but he was obviously able to get out of it. "What's wrong. What do you mean by 'for no reason'"?

The small Omega looked up enough to meet Mitch's eyes. "Well, my A-Alpha, he'll like... Punish me if I sit down without asking or like.. If I get a drink of water without asking or.... If I sneeze to much". The Omega explained.

Mitch gasped. "That's abuse, he can't do that to you. Have you reported him"?

The Omega shook his head and looked to the ground.

Mitch placed a hand on his arm. "Well... I'll help you. What's your name"?


Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now