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Since I'm very busy today, I'm giving y'all and early chapter!!!!


JKJK not 'major' fluff but there is some.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


I'm so sorry, Angel".

Mitch let more tears run down his face and he let out a small sob.

He loved that nickname, Angel, it made him feel beautiful and so loved.

"Baby". Mitch whispered back.

Mitch could practically see the smile forming on Scott's face.

"Can I come in, Angel"?

Mitch nodded against the door, though Scott couldn't see him. Once he realized this, he chuckled to himself.

He tore his head away from the wooden door and put his hand back on the knob and opened it.

As soon as the door opened, Scott ran in and engulfed Mitch in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, baby boy. I was being so stupid".

Mitch smiled through the tears. "I'm glad we've established that".

Scott chuckled and pulled away, his large hands wrapped around Mitch's small biceps. "I'm so sorry. She's our baby girl and we should go get her".

Mitch shook his head. "No, we shouldn't. You're right, maybe she would do better off in a foster home. It'll gave us time to mature and, when you are ready, well have kids and we will be amazing parents".

"Mitchie.... Are you sure"?

Mitch nodded and wiped his tears from his face. "I'm positive. I love you Scott Hoying".

Scott pulled Mitch into another hug. "I love you too, Angel". He whispered into Mitch's ear.

They stood in each other's embrace for awhile before pulling away.

"So.... Are we going back home then"? Mitch asked, still unsure if they should stay.

Scott nodded. "Yeah... Yeah let's go home".

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