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Kendall's daily advice: don't write a paper the day before its supposed to get turned in. Lmao off I do it all the time.

I'm getting my new phone this week. Yeet.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


On the way home, Scotts hands were gripping the steering wheel, his jaw clenched.

They were going to use his baby, as bait.

"Asses". Scott mumbled under his breath.

He pulled into the drive way and turned the car off. He sat there for a moment, calming himself. He didn't want to go inside angry when all he wants to do is cuddle up with his Mitchie.

Mitch stirred the tortilla soup, standing in the kitchen. Kevin was making salad and Kirstie sat on the counter, talking with Kevin.

Alex and Kingsley were talking on the couch, Kingsley trying to keep a good distance between him and Alex. He still hadn't warmed up to Alpha's, granted, its only been a day.

Kingsley laughed at something Alex said and he covered his mouth, bending over in laughter.

Alex smiled. "Its not that funny".

Kingsley nodded. "Y-yes it is, o my"- He cut himself off with another laugh.

Alex chuckled, thinking the little giggling Omega was cute.

"Sorry, its just s-so funny". Kingsley choked out as he continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Alex smiled as the Omega calmed down.

Avi and Tyler both came down the stairs at once, racing each other.

They ran into the kitchen and Tyler went for Mitch, touching his shoulder and sticking his tongue out at Avi.

Avi shook his head and laughed. "Whatever, you win".

Tyler pumped his fist in the air. "Whooo".

Mitch smiled and looked at Tyler. "Feeling better Ty"?

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, Avi snapped me out of it".

"Good. Such a happy person shouldn't be sad".

"Thanks Mitchie".

"Your welcome, Ty".

Scott walked in the door then and headed upstairs without a single word.

As soon as Scott entered his bedroom, he fell on top of the bed, putting his hands behind his head.

Maybe I should just talk with Mitchie about it and get his input. He's the one that'll have to do it, after all.

Scott thought in his head.

Can't believe they want to use him like an object.

Scott shook his head and cringed at the thought.

He pushed himself off the bed after a while and stood up.

He walked downstairs, in search for Mitch.

"Mitchie". Scott called.

Mitch looked up from the kitchen and saw Scott. He smiled widely, "Scottie". He yelled, running out of the kitchen and in to Scott's arms.

Scott chuckled and held Mitch.

"You've been gone all day". Mitch said into Scott's neck.

"I know, Angel. But I'm here now and I missed you so much".

Mitch pulled away and smiled. "I missed you too".

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now