I See Rainbows Everyday . . . Literally

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I was tagged by cxtchingkatniss.


- Come up with a creative title

-Tag 15 people at the end

- Tell some things about yourself

- Be honest and have fun

I know I've done one of these before, but I'll do it again. 

1. I took a quiz the other day about on how long I would survive in a horror movie and I got 72 minutes. Think about that, movies are generally 90 to 120 minutes. That's over half the movie right there. 

2. I'm turning 18 on September 23rd, and I'm going to be a senior in high school (finally). 

3. I'm demi-sexual. Look it up if you don't know what that means. I've described it before, I believe. 

4. I'm agnostic atheist. Look at my profile for the agnostic part, pretty sure everyone knows what atheist means. 

5. I love reading if you couldn't tell by the number of reading/book tags I've done. Or if you couldn't tell by the fact that I've read 37 books so far this year when we're only starting 32 weeks into the year tomorrow (August 7th). 

6. I've dislocated my right knee 16 times since I've been 14. 

7. Alright, I'm going to give you a little image here. Just picture this, you know what scorched dead grass looks like? That nasty ass color? Yeah, that's my natural hair color. 

8. I love profanity, if you couldn't fucking guess. 

9. I love art and music or anything creative. 

10. I have prisms in my glasses as an eye correction method because my eyes are just that fucked up, so when the sunlight hits my glasses a bunch of rainbows goes across my vision. 

Alright, let's see who gets to be our lucky winners this time of who the fuck I'm going to tag. I need 15 people, so guess what? We're going to do the same thing I always do. Pick the last 15 people to follow me. 

1. SaphirraStarlighter

2. emitige

3. yasmn81

4. waynekest

5. larryisrealthanks

6. ktiscrazier

7. sourstiles24

8. AmberBaker064

9. blondreader

10. diamondrain

11. Hayydz

12. fusticmagic

13. BookLover0522

14. hh1711

15. Mockingjay-Swiftie

Now, I just tagged you because you were the most recent people to follow me. I don't care if you do this tag or not, but if you do decide to do it, mention me so that I can see your tag. 

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