School Tips

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I think I've done something like this before, but now since I'm in college I have some new and updated tips. At the time I'm writing this, I'm almost done with my 3rd semester of college/university (I have one more final coming up in 2 days). So I'm going to give some tips on studying/school (mostly studying).

1. Create realistic goals.
By realistic goals, i mean goals that you can manage easily with some challenge. If you're a straight C student don't make your goal to get straight A's. It's not realistic. Instead try making the goal of getting one A.

2. Keep track of your grades.
This is helpful to see trends. If you go through some rough shit, you can sometimes see a correlation with your grades. There are plenty of grade trackers online or you can make one yourself. I like to use a different color for each class so I can distinguish between them.

3. Listen to classical music.
If you can't study or work in a quiet environment like me, put on classical music. Music with lyrics is likely to distract you because you'll start singing the song or something. Classical music has no lyrics so there's no worry about getting distracted. Also studies show that classical music helps with studying. Spotify has plenty of studying playlists. Literally just look studying. It doesn't even have to be classical music entirely. Just instrumental music works too. I've listened to some instrumental music with a great beat and I get so much work done.

4. Get comfortable.
Some people will tell you to get up and get dressed, do your hair, put on makeup and whatever to study. I'm here to say the opposite. You're just wasting time by doing all the shit. I don't bother with changing most of the time. It's finals week for me right now (it's December) and I haven't gotten dressed all week. I'm still wearing my pajamas from last night and it's past 5pm now. I won't change until I take a shower in a few hours. I still got some studying done today and I was comfortable while I did it.

5. Drink water.
It's over said maybe, but seriously drink water and also keep some water by you. (Also use reusable water bottles and save the planet some.) Your brain and you need to stay hydrated to work properly.

6. Use the pomodoro method.
It's not very complicated, and it helps productivity. Work for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, work for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, work for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, work for 25 minutes, take a 15 minute break, and repeat that pattern. There are timer apps that automatically keep track for you like Be Focused. I use Be Focused. It's free. It shows you the break down of how long you spent on certain tasks too.

7. Keep track of how much you're studying/working on a subject.
This helps show you how much time you're actually spending on stuff. I keep track in Google Sheets. I just made up a generic spreadsheet with the courses broken down by day and I total up everything for day, week, and month.

8. Keep a relative schedule.
In college, you have a lot more free time and sometimes you have large blocks of time between classes. So it's important to keep a relative schedule. I'm not saying you have to do the same thing every week, but try to keep it roughly the same. I'll use my spring semester schedule as an example. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have abnormal psychology from 8:05am-8:55am. I then have a break until my chemistry lecture at 12:25pm. So I have it in my schedule that from the end of my psychology class until my chemistry class, I'll go the library and work on schoolwork. However, let's say on Monday I'm not feeling it, I'll go back to my dorm after psychology and lay down. The important part is to keep the schedule most of the time.

9. Find a time that works for you.
I study best in the morning and early in the day. My roommate though does better studying at night. Literally no joke she was up studying yet a 4am this morning when I got up to use the bathroom.

10. Shower.
Weird, but it works for me. I study and get done whatever it is that I want/need to get done. Then, I go take a shower. I feel like it helps me remembering everything better. Just try it.

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