Study Themed Asks

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I've done stuff very similar multiple fucking times. But I didn't know what else to do this week. So I did this. 

Stationary: What is your dream job?

Physician Assistant which is what I'm currently studying towards. I'm majoring in Health Sciences with a minor in Biology. 

Muji: What's your favorite stationary brand?

The cheap shit. I don't get the point of spending shit loads of money on something that you can only use once or a few times. You write on it you're done with it. 

Studious: What are your study methods?

I read all the chapters before we go over it in lecture. I also work ahead so that when I have exams I can focus more on my exams than assignments or papers. As for studying, I read my notes a lot and then go over them in my head. 

Bullet journal: Who is your favourite studyblr and why?

I don't really have a favorite. If I follow you, I like your profile/blog/whatever. If I had to narrow it down though I would say any of the medical-themed blogs on Tumblr my favorite because they relate to what I'm studying. 

University: What is your dream study desk setup?

I don't like using desks so I don't have a dream setup. I find desk chairs too uncomfortable to sit in. They're either hard and hurt my back (because if you think I sit up straight you would be fucking wrong) or they're those comfortable chairs that spin. But the chairs that spin are horrible for my concentration because my ADHD mind focuses more on how fun it is to spin the chair and constantly fucking move than the work I'm supposed to be doing. Besides I lay down a lot while I work. 

School: How do you make your study notes?

Usually from the lecture. I have notes on my own for my health care ethics class. They are entirely my own as supposed to the other notes I have posted which also include the notes from the professor as well as mine. I am posting all my notes that are related to my major on my Tumblr (123haha321-studying). So far I have Anatomy & Physiology notes (still posting them) and health care ethics notes. I'm planning on posting statistics, intro to psychology, biology, general/inorganic chemistry, medical terminology, abnormal psychology, and maybe culture & healthcare and interracial communications notes. 

Campus: Where do you want to work one day?

Well in a doctor's office or hospital considering that's where physician assistants work. I would like to work in the area I'm studying since that's my point for studying it. However, I'm not that picky about location. 

Coffee: What inspired you to pursue your current degree?

One contributing factor would be that the field interests me. Another reason would be the fact that you literally cannot be a physician assistant without a degree. 

Staedler: What is your favorite study snack & why?

I don't really eat snacks when I study. I'll focus more on the snack than the studying. 

Pens: How are you going to achieve your career goals through your current degree?

Well, to get into physician assistant school you need an undergraduate degree which I'm currently working towards. So my undergraduate degree is very important for me to even become a physician assistant. 

Desk: Do you have a 5-year plan?

Yes. It goes a little something like this.

2018-2019 --> 2nd year study for my undergrad degree

2019-2020 --> 3rd year study for my undergrad degree

2020 (December) --> graduate with my undergrad degree

2021 --> work until physician assistant schools start (usually in August)

2021-2022 --> first year of PA school 

Library: Do you prefer to study alone or in a study group and why?

Alone because I get more stuff done. I don't get stuff done in groups or it takes exponentially longer. Besides we may not need to study the same stuff for the same length of time. 

Internet: Do you listen to music when you study?

Usually. It has to be instrumental/classical music though because otherwise I just get distracted by singing the song in my head. 

Pinboard: Strange study tip that actually works for you?

Reading through the notes one last time right before the exam. 

Highlighters: Do you wear glasses (if yes, for reading or for everyday life)?

Yes. I wear glasses all the time. I have astigmatism that makes everything fucking blurry without my glasses. 

Textbook: Where is your favorite place to study?

In my room I suppose. I don't really study anywhere else. 

Grades: What is your favorite subject/ module at the moment and why?

Well, it's currently summer so I'm not in school. Although I'm most looking forward to abnormal psychology which I'll take in the spring semester 2019. 

Test: What is your current academic goal?

None, since as I just said it is summer and I'm not in any classes.  

Work: If you could be at any other university/ school in the world, where would it be?

I don't know. I wouldn't want to be at a big name university. I don't mind where I am now. I would seriously have to research other programs to know if I want to go somewhere else. 

Studyblr: Apple or Android (and why)?

Apple 100%. I fucking hate Android. I hate the way it looks. I hate the way the emojis look. I have only had shitty experiences with them that I haven't had with Apple. When I had an Android, it wouldn't keep a fucking charge. Literally, I clicked on one app and my phone would die within 30 to 60 minutes from a FULL charge. The phone died one day and after it charged I went to turn it on and couldn't. It wouldn't turn on and it wasn't the charger. It just kept restarting and showing me the starting up logo over and over and over again. My purchases would fucking disappear randomly. The fucking speakers blew out the Android devices I have and all I used it for was an alarm clock. I will never use a fucking Android device again. If it was the last phone brand in the universe I wouldn't use it, I would rather use snail mail or carrier pigeon. 

Student: Do you prefer plain, practical stationary, or pretty and novelty stationary?

Plain and practical. I'm going to be using it for a very short amount of time so why waste the money on something pretty. 

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