Alphabet Game

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A- Age: 19

B- Birthplace: Ohio, USA

C- Current time: 6:12pm (at the time I'm answering these)

D- Drink you last had: Water

E- Easiest person to talk to: My mom and a few friends

F- Favorite song: I don't know. I don't like to pick just one because I love music.

G- Grossest memory: When my youngest brother (he's 3 now) was a baby he used to throw up all the time. Like all the time. He did this for the ENTIRE first year of his life. He would just throw up. He couldn't really keep anything down. He doesn't do it anymore thankfully. But in the course of the year he threw up all the time he threw up in my hair quite a few times.

H- Horror yes/horror no: Yes. I love watching horror movies or reading horror books.

I- In love: Yes

J- Jealous of people: Rarely

K - K: I don't know

L- Love at first sight or should i walk by again: I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't think you can love someone truly without actually knowing them. It's just an infatuation otherwise.

M- Middle name: Rose

N- Number of siblings: 6 (all younger)

O - One wish: Get into PA school

P - Person you called last: My boyfriend's sister

Q - Question you are always asked: "Why do you go to college so far away from where you're from?" Because I don't like the people where I'm from. And the school I'm going to has better degree programs for what I'm going for and better employment opportunities.

R- Reason to smile: I'm getting closer to getting rid of my bitch ass roommate

S- Song you last sang: I don't remember.

T- Time you woke up: 6:00 am because I'm writing this on Christmas day and that's when my boyfriend left my house to go back to his house 3 hours away with shitty snow frozen roads.

U- Underwear colour: Blue with different shades of blue

V- Vacation destination: Anywhere in Europe

W- Worst habit: Putting something on to watch and not watching it because I fell asleep or started fucking around on my phone

X- x-rays: Only had them done when I broke my left arm in 7th grade

Y- Your favorite food: I love food in general.

Z- Zodiac sign: Libra

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