Staying Organized

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Staying organized in school helps tremendously. Seriously, it can really help, especially when you're sleep deprived and shit. So I have some tips and such for staying organized.

1. Be motivated.

You have to be motivated to be organized. Make a list and actually do the shit you say you're going to. 

2. Keep a planner. 

Do you know how many people I know who just try to remember everything they have due? Stop that shit. Just write it down. Then, you're more likely to not forget when that assignment is due. 

3. Keep the planner with you.

You need to bring the planner with you places, otherwise, you won't fucking use it. 

4. Plan your week at the beginning of the week.

What I like to do is sit down on either Sunday or Monday of each week and right down on what day I'll do certain assignments and such. Like today, it has to work on my chemistry assignment even though it's due in like 4 days. But I have the entire week planned out. 

5. Schedule when to do chores.

You need to do your own laundry, and if you still live with your parents or in high school, you need to start doing your own laundry. Everyone in my family learns to do their own laundry by the time they're 8. Schedule when you're going to do things like laundry and vacuuming your room. 

6. Keep the syllabus.

Now when I was in high school, the syllabus was stupid. It didn't have any important information on it like when tests were or when assignments were due. In college, the syllabus has that information. 

7. Write down when assignments are due.

What I do at the beginning of every semester is take the syllabi and write down when all my assignments and exams are right away. 

8. Keep to-do lists.

I make a daily to-do list where I plan out what I'm going to do every day. So it's in my planner where I'll see it. 

9. Make a schedule.

In high school, it's pretty basic you know. Like I had school Monday through Friday 7:55-3:05. But college, the days vary because you make the schedule. Like this semester, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have a class from 8:05-8:55 and then my next one is from 12:25-1:15 and I'm done for the day. Tuesdays, my first class is 12:30-1:45 and then I have a lab from 4:00-6:50. Thursdays, I have a class from 8:30-9:50, then a lab from 10:00-11:50, and then my last class is 12:30-1:45. Making a schedule is helpful. 

10. Give each class a color. 

I have a different color for each class notebook wise and pen/marker wise for my planner. Here's my color coding for right now:

Dark blue = biology lecture

Blue-gray = biology lab

Dark green = chemistry lecture

Light green = chemistry lab

Light blue = women's health

Red = writing in health sciences

Purple = abnormal psychology 

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