Poem 9: Set You Free

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I'm stuck in a space warp called memories-
Trying hard, stopping myself from longing for your love;
For a long time, I keep on telling myself to be strong
Now that you aren't around anymore.

I may not able to unleash this painful mystery in my chest.
But deep within me, my heart knows that you're still there.
I know, I looked like a fool knocking in your front door,
But what can I do, boy, it's still you...

The one whom I seek,
The one whom I'm dreaming of every time when I'm in deep slumber.
The man whom once became mine and the reason why my world starts to fall apart.
But what should I do now that you're gone?

It's been a nightmare since the day you left.
Voices keep whispering in my head;
Saying "quit hoping and stop fooling yourself...
He won't be back and will never be".

And here I am, left in my chamber-
Hopeless, weary, and severely heart wounded.
Alone with our dreams and plans, slowly vanishing.
Sweet memories and unbreakable promises, all gone to oblivion.

Liquid crystals flow as nights come to visit.
The more the cool breeze embraces me, the more painful it feels.
In my chest, there lies this painful horror,
A wound only you can heal.

Oh boy! Please tell me how to live without you.
Coz everywhere I look, your ghost still follows.
I'm having delusions of you loving me and wanting me back.
I admit it feels good but I have to wake up.

Truth hurts but I should face it.
You no longer love me and that's a truth I really can tell.
For if you love me you won't depart.
This might hurt, but it's time for me to set you free.

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