Poem 56: Mistreated

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The scent of medicine enters my nostril as I walk pass the entrance,
It kinda suffocates me and 'tis tingles my nose,
Some people love its scent yet for me it's a poison,
It brings me dizziness and made me vomit my soul.

The way they kill those strands bring shiver to my spine,
How pitiful of them, do they need to suffer and die?
If only there's another treatment for them to look good,
I will find it real quick just to save their root.

They went through dyeing, hot curls and hot plates, I wonder what it feels like?
The once lovely crowning glory now became lifeless, it Died;
It turned out dry and dull, I wonder if there's still a cure?
I hope there is 'coz I badly need it to save my dying hair roots.

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