Poem 102: Mirror

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She used to smile a lot,
A smile brighter than the sun;
She used to laugh out loud carelessly
She used to be friendly, very out going
And she used to be alive.

She loves music and dancing but was forbade,
She loves to paint but her brushes, they broke
She loves singing and acting but was banned to do so,
She kept on holding unto these,
But she ended up letting go.

"Get off of your clouds!" They said,
"Depart from dreamland and live in reality!", they added;
But how can she do so if the cloud they said is her reality?
How can she move forward if the trash they called is her life?

I'm staring at her, spacing out...
The bubbly girl I knew, she's no longer the same,
The life's indication in her eyes was nowhere to be found,
Her blazing desire and passion for everything is dead!

My tears fall as I watch her mourn,
Grieving for her buried dreams she longed to fulfill;
Her sob and cry is filling the air
Her pleads are knives stabbing my chest...
I never knew a pain like this exists.

From a distance, I'm watching her,
Mourning for her buried dreams and grieving for her fallen self.
Watching her trying to fit her every piece...
Hoping that soon, she will be fine
I wish that soon, I will be fine.

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